Comment history

hotep86 says...

Do you really think the video was staged in an attempt to highlight abuse at the Detention Center? Or was it made by a few Cubans who were caught attempting to smuggle Cubans into the United States via The Bahamas and wanted attention knowing what the exile community in Miami would do?

No one is denying the issues at the Detention Center, and I'm sure no one disagrees with your assertion. The Bahamas is party to a number of human rights treaties and conventions that we must adhere to and, like other nations, we have our fair share of issues. However, this particular situation is foul, and a little research of history would enlighten anyone on how the cuban mafia aka the exiles operate.

On No formal talks with Panama on detainees

Posted 14 August 2013, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

So the Panamanian Government releases a statement, with subsequent interviews to the press on the acceptance of detainees in The Bahamas without ever formally engaging the Bahamian Government?

That makes so much sense.

The Panamanian Government is participating in a public relations campaign. I also find it odd that the protesters claim that the protests were stopped in response to the government's agreement to investigate the allegations of abuse. Newsflash, the government has said on repeated occasions in any one of Fred Mitchell's ranting press releases that they would investigate. The protesters stopped protesting the minute their evil allies announced they would take them - that's all it was ever about!

Just get rid of them at this point, good riddance to all of them!

On No formal talks with Panama on detainees

Posted 14 August 2013, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...


They could have at least had something remotely authentically Bahamian in this video. What is there to say this is The Bahamas other than them screaming it every other line of the news cast? Fail. Try again.

hotep86 says...

Isn't this why people pay you for insurance?

On Insurers fearing ‘flood of claims’

Posted 23 May 2013, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

This whole thing is sickening. Cargill needs to go, Gibson needs to go. IAt this rate the whole management team at nib needs to go!

On Claim over award of contracts

Posted 15 May 2013, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says... noticed they were following you but you still went home and proceeded to enter your house? Common sense would have told you to head to the nearest police station - I mean the police tell people this all the time!

On Tribune worker victim of crime

Posted 3 May 2013, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

Are any of you out there "marching" or "walking for anything? Regardless of what he's marching for at least he has a public stance instead of hiding behind his computer. Typical Bahamians: always quick to criticize but can't offer an alternative and unwilling to do anything themselves. Get a life and leave Darold alone - let him do what he wants.

hotep86 says...

Why pick on Elliston Rahming? Kelsey Johnson hasn't left as yet either...Oswald Brown....Rhoda Jackson to Geneva, Mr. Rolle to Haiti - they're all still in Nassau buddy! Perhaps the Minister should respond as to why NONE of them have left as yet!?!

On Ambassador delay raises questions

Posted 26 April 2013, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

why is this news?

On WIKILEAKS: Also revealed

Posted 10 April 2013, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

"...Canadian brother-in-law of former mical mp Sidney Collie."

When was Sidney Collie ever the MP for MICAL? Clearly ya'll need people to proof read these articles.

On Christie seeks meeting with I-Group

Posted 5 April 2013, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal