Comment history

hrysippus says...

Bahamianpun. Your suggestion has merit worth gestation.

hrysippus says...

Yes, nurses are probably underpaid, the work is hard, both mentally and physically, and is often shift work. I spent almost a year in my youth working as a n auxiliary nurse, but it was a better choice than being unemployed.

hrysippus says...

With 8 to 10 thousand Bahamians unemployed it is sad that none of these unemployed people are either willing, qualified enough, or able to train in the nursing profession.

hrysippus says...

here is so much that I could write but knowing the areligious affiliation of the principals of this particular organ, i shall refrain. Etienne the first would not be proud of you. 3rd.

On PM to meet with Pope Francis

Posted 13 October 2023, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The only reason that I can think of for someone wanting to be on the Electoral Register would be to get a Voters ID card to use to in turn get an NIB card, and then perhaps a Bahamian passport. This is all just speculation.

hrysippus says...

If you want to get nothing done, then you need a do-nothing man. And no one can do nothing better than this Merry Misty can.

hrysippus says...

But see, Thisntyours, this just the state the country in. And you forgot to mention cellphone courting.

On Tribute to a modern day statesman

Posted 8 October 2023, 3:39 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The problem might with me but when I hear the name Obie Wichombe I can only think John Travolta and cell phone calls from a trial.. However an unpleasant bridge over troubled waters it might be.

hrysippus says...

This is way better than perry christie's pledge to provide free electricity but about as credible.

hrysippus says...

uumm. Good LuckRight Honourable Fiil up Davis.. hah hah hah.