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hrysippus says...

No administration will willingly hold a referendum ever again in the Bahamas, The religious leaders get involved to forward their personal agendas and the government in power pays the price. Rt. Hon. Ingraham found this out as did that other prime minister whose name is best forgotten; "it was was an opinion poll not a referendum........

On Referenda a way to test the waters

Posted 4 October 2023, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Hey Talrascal,, you speak truth, but a profit is never realized in its own company, if politics be involved.

hrysippus says...

The military personnel that will be deployed to Haiti will be entering what is close to being a war zone.. Almost every Bahamian family has so far escaped paying the price for having a family member suffer PTSD from serving in the military in a war zone as so few Bahamians served in WW1 or ww2, and yes, i am aware of the Dupuch, Thompson, Johnson, et al. . Bahamian families may in the future pay the price for the horrible things that these soldiers may do or experience,

hrysippus says...

Hi Lostmanstanding; you have posted the following: " having a "pride" club was one of the requirements for CoB to transition to UB in the first place. The truth is that this'''" The truth is that what you have written is not true but it epitomizes very well the sort of unfounded prejudice that abounds amongst many who profess to follow the great teachings of The Lord.

hrysippus says...

These religious leaders seem to be so obsessed with what happensin the privacy of other peoples bedrooms, have they not noticed that more than 70 peiole have been brutally murdered so far this year? It seems that being a gay person is worse and more concerning than being a murderer.

hrysippus says...

Anything to get a mention in the media. And what happened to those long Aragonite dollars he used to talk about?

hrysippus says...

There is no good reason why Bay Street should have even a single parking spot. reserved only for taxi drivers. Properly run cities will have designated taxi parking spots outside airports and sometimes train stations, they do not have dedicated taxi parking spots on their main shopping thoroughfare. A pick drop off place is acceptable but to tie up valuable real estate space in order to allow taxi drivers to try and solicit business from passing tourists is risible.

On Police not protecting taxi drivers

Posted 27 September 2023, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Just so; ideally The House of Assembly should have 20 women members and 4 white members to more accurately represent the Bahamian population. This, however, is a the flaw in the "First Across The Post" democratic election process that we currenty espouse,

On 'More women needed in Parliament'

Posted 24 September 2023, 10:04 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Where does Mr. Plummer think that rights come from? They are a human construct codified by governments. They change and evolve over time. The right to vote is a typical example of this; From men over the age of 21 years owning substantial land holdings through to the current Western democratic mean of any citizen over the age of 18 and of either gender.

On Brave new world

Posted 23 September 2023, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

If, as the COP Claims, 99% of police people are honest, and if the RBPF has 3,000, Police persons, then this country has, at , best, 90 dishonest police people on the force. And that is a "Best Case" Scenario; if you believe the Commissioner of the RBPF.

On Officer faces tribunal over striking boy

Posted 20 September 2023, 9:13 p.m. Suggest removal