Cafe Matisse is closing its doors, Greg is off to Eleutherian shores, Usually good resturants soon go downhill, . .. .The worser the food and higher the bill, ..But food at Matisse always stayed fine, , And the wait staff nade it a pleasure to dine. So it only remains to thank you all concerned, , Good luck with the next or retirement well earned.
Most everyone has a desire for more money and for more power. Mr. Watson is probably not out of the ordindinary in this respect. As ZNS manager he will be paid more than he was as the pm's mouthpiece, he also has many more subordinates and can make a few decisions, and thus the position has more power.
If this is true then any decent human being can only be disgusted by the actions of these thugs in uniform. If only we had a decent and functional judicial system such the these men who have been beaten so brutally could sue the police people who did this to them. Sue them for everything that they own now, and most of whatthey will earn over the next 10 years. If they could only do this the police brutality would surely stop almost immediately ?
I wonder if Mr. Allen subscribes to Telegram, the Russian owned and Russian controlled Social Media platform. I wonder if Mr. Allen subscribes to TikTok, the social media platform owned and controlled by the Peoples Repupublic of China. I wonder if Mr. Allen has considered that these 2 great powers in the world today are both dependent of the production and use of fossil fuels; Russia in exporting and China in using coal fired power stations to fuel their manufacturing economy. No one has more reason to try and discredit the reality of man made climate change than these two countries. The are flooding social media platfoems with their propoganda. Many people are being deceived.
Based on past experience with Government departments and State Employed Workers this will all be a disappointing waste of time for both the people employed there and the members of the public or the public entities seeking any information about anything that any government entity has done, It will be delay, delay, obscurate, and delay.
I may be way off base but I will look with interest to see what, if any rewards, Mr. Robert Sands , receives in the next couple of years, taking into to account this overt support, vis a vis NIB , for the beleaguered PLP government and also his marital connections.
Was the pitbull carrying a loaded gun? .. .Was he seen to point it at someone? . .Was the popo in fear of his life? .. .. Perhaps that pitbull carried a knife. . Will there be excuses from the monster of security, .. …. Giving reasons to excuse the obvious absurdity . .. … .If the world is looking, . .Then the world is laughing loud out loud, . …. ..The story may viral posted on The Cloud. . .. ..Will the shooter get a medal for doing what he did? . .Will it hurt his chances in any way, with his Primeministerial bid?
Bahamian sloops have had decals advertising their products on their hulls for decades now. I can see no problem aith it. If you go to any sporting event then you will be exposed to the sponsors advertisements.
hrysippus says...
Cafe Matisse is closing its doors, Greg is off to Eleutherian shores, Usually good resturants soon go downhill, . .. .The worser the food and higher the bill, ..But food at Matisse always stayed fine, , And the wait staff nade it a pleasure to dine. So it only remains to thank you all concerned, , Good luck with the next or retirement well earned.
On Cafe Matisse to close doors permanently
Posted 22 June 2023, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
State sanctioned extra-judicial killings have always been a major threat to a democracy guided by the rule of law.
On Mom wants police ‘charged with murder and jailed’
Posted 20 June 2023, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Most everyone has a desire for more money and for more power. Mr. Watson is probably not out of the ordindinary in this respect. As ZNS manager he will be paid more than he was as the pm's mouthpiece, he also has many more subordinates and can make a few decisions, and thus the position has more power.
On Is Watson move a demotion?
Posted 19 June 2023, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
If this is true then any decent human being can only be disgusted by the actions of these thugs in uniform. If only we had a decent and functional judicial system such the these men who have been beaten so brutally could sue the police people who did this to them. Sue them for everything that they own now, and most of whatthey will earn over the next 10 years. If they could only do this the police brutality would surely stop almost immediately ?
On ‘WE WERE BEATEN IN POLICE STATION’: Men allege officers beat them with a hose, bat and PVC pipe while in custody
Posted 16 June 2023, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
I wonder if Mr. Allen subscribes to Telegram, the Russian owned and Russian controlled Social Media platform. I wonder if Mr. Allen subscribes to TikTok, the social media platform owned and controlled by the Peoples Repupublic of China. I wonder if Mr. Allen has considered that these 2 great powers in the world today are both dependent of the production and use of fossil fuels; Russia in exporting and China in using coal fired power stations to fuel their manufacturing economy. No one has more reason to try and discredit the reality of man made climate change than these two countries. The are flooding social media platfoems with their propoganda. Many people are being deceived.
On Shut down ICC before it starts WWIII
Posted 16 June 2023, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Based on past experience with Government departments and State Employed Workers this will all be a disappointing waste of time for both the people employed there and the members of the public or the public entities seeking any information about anything that any government entity has done, It will be delay, delay, obscurate, and delay.
On FOIA system rollout anticipated to be ready before end of year
Posted 14 June 2023, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
I may be way off base but I will look with interest to see what, if any rewards, Mr. Robert Sands , receives in the next couple of years, taking into to account this overt support, vis a vis NIB , for the beleaguered PLP government and also his marital connections.
On Hotels support increase in NIB
Posted 13 June 2023, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Was the pitbull carrying a loaded gun? .. .Was he seen to point it at someone? . .Was the popo in fear of his life? .. .. Perhaps that pitbull carried a knife. . Will there be excuses from the monster of security, .. …. Giving reasons to excuse the obvious absurdity . .. … .If the world is looking, . .Then the world is laughing loud out loud, . …. ..The story may viral posted on The Cloud. . .. ..Will the shooter get a medal for doing what he did? . .Will it hurt his chances in any way, with his Primeministerial bid?
On Woman shot after police bullet ricochets off pit bull
Posted 12 June 2023, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Bahamian sloops have had decals advertising their products on their hulls for decades now. I can see no problem aith it. If you go to any sporting event then you will be exposed to the sponsors advertisements.
On DIANE PHILLIPS: Careful consideration needed on how sponsorship of The Bahamas’ new national sport is done
Posted 11 June 2023, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.
On GIBSON SAYS DON’T WAIT TO RAISE NIB RATES: Former Labour Minister says 2024 economy may be no better
Posted 8 June 2023, 2:22 p.m.