Comment history

hrysippus says...

My father spent his life as an actuary in a significant British insurance company; the nib is unsustainable and that has been obvious since the latter half of the 1980's. Over 40 years of malfeasance and mismanagement by government appointed lackeys. I just regret that prominent member of Rotary was involved in this debacle.

hrysippus says...

We have 39 elected officials, can someone tell me how much 99% of 39 is please......Sigh.

hrysippus says...

Refined sugar is a drug many times more harmful than marijuana. This is an opinion shared by many of the more informed and educated. As is usually the case; government policy lags well behind the current understanding, Hyper processed foods are even more damaging to human health than processed sugar. Advanced countries are now moving towards tackling this problem. Give the government another 10 or 20 years and they may do the same. Regardless this iwould be a positive step forward if enacted.

On PM: Sin tax? Not this year

Posted 6 June 2023, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

A small correction is needed to this column. The anonymous entity behind this social media effort are paying for advertisements to appear of Facebook, I do not think that they have a page. It is a clumsy effort which I would expect from a lawyer or businessman who is not well grounded in marketing. I am reminded of that PLP lawyer who set up a fake Facebook page called SaveTheBaysAgain to imitate the original Save The Bays organization in order to try and discredit a wealthy expatriate resident It did not work thankfully.

hrysippus says...

In a short 50 years the Bahamas has been changed from a peaceful friendly country to a country with one of the highest rates of murder of any country on the planet. At this current rate of killings we shall achieve between at least 105 but probably not more than 120 murders this calender year. The government is helpless to stop it, the police force is helpless to stop it. Sad.

hrysippus says...

How would Island worrier have faired in battle against Alexander The Great, I wonder, since Alexander, according to Islandworrier was s weak disturbed individual with a twisted disorder. He would have lasted about 3 minutes I much suspect.

hrysippus says...

It is always instructive to view the comments of Sheeps and Birdbrain; one is on the side of the Light and one on the side of Darkness.

hrysippus says...

Jetskis can be dangerous to swimmers in the water. I was once stunned after being hit a glancing blow from a jetski off Cabbage beach years ago. I was fortunate to survive. Just like driving a car or motorcycle, there should be a minimum age and each jetski should have mandatory 3rd party insurance.. At the moment it is barely regulated and the risk of death or injury is a clear and present danger.

On Swimmers face jet ski dangers

Posted 1 June 2023, 10:15 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

For many years now ZNS has been the parking lot of the retirement home for out moded political appointees, And it only costs we taxpayers about 12 million dollars per year. This person should fit right in with the pervading ZZZZn's culture.

On Clint Watson moving to ZNS

Posted 30 May 2023, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

No. There lines are not blurred except in some (many) people's perception. Evil acts are evil, and those who are responsible will hopefully pay the price in the after life. I am very clear in my own mind who the political evildoers are, even if they, themselves, do not recognize it. Shuffle on.....