If Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness himself got elected as a PLP cabinet minister and carried out many horrifying acts of pure evil then there would still be some of that party's apologists writing comments such as ; " no one's perfect,", " let him without sin", and such like. Evil is evil. It should be called when discovered.
It would be really interesting to know which politicos are really behind this company. It started in the corruption smeared years of Perry's administration, so that narrows it down a little.
Was he the one who was "given" an expensive automobile and did not like the colour of the paint? Anyone else remember this story published in newspaper? Mybenot him but another one of them.
I think Expo onto summit here. Wouldn't it be great if a non corrupt Bahamian government could lobby those off shore banks in Cayman and Turks to see just how many tens of millions are being stashed there by politicians and their cronies? A shame it will not happen.
The Cristian Church and those who are employed by it have always opposed progress, equality, and science. Gallielo? Capernicus?What do mean; the Earth goes around the Sun? Heresy, you will be burned at the stake.
Did Mr. Moss also run for the PLP in an election once? Church people do not make good politicians in my opinion. Politics embraces the art of compromise while religious people seem to always believe that compromise is evil and that only the particular set of beliefs that they themselves espouse are correct, every one else's are just wrong. No room for compromise in that mindset.
Dumb and dictorial. Can the proponents of this policy not see the consequences? Have they ever read Adam Smith's Wealth Of Nations? And if not , then they should not be in charge of the country's fragile economy.
With regards to Mrs. Burnside's remarks regarding " the gentle Lucayans of the Old World whom Columbus encountered upon our shores in 149" I would like to remind her that of the warlike, possible cannibal , Caribs who also were in the vicinity. These islands were far from paradise prior tomColumbus. Only a fool would think so.
hrysippus says...
If Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness himself got elected as a PLP cabinet minister and carried out many horrifying acts of pure evil then there would still be some of that party's apologists writing comments such as ; " no one's perfect,", " let him without sin", and such like. Evil is evil. It should be called when discovered.
On Former Cabinet Minister George Smith dies
Posted 28 May 2023, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Hah hah hah. How can I get some some gubbent recognition so I can get one of those comfortable gummint jobs with a generous unfunded pension?
On Union officials to work with police on Labour Day parade safety
Posted 27 May 2023, 9:40 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
It would be really interesting to know which politicos are really behind this company. It started in the corruption smeared years of Perry's administration, so that narrows it down a little.
On Bahamas Striping working to improve Eleuthera and Long Island roads
Posted 26 May 2023, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Thanks seal be atihnker. Now lets listen to the plaudits.
On Former Cabinet Minister George Smith dies
Posted 26 May 2023, 7:55 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Was he the one who was "given" an expensive automobile and did not like the colour of the paint? Anyone else remember this story published in newspaper? Mybenot him but another one of them.
On Former Cabinet Minister George Smith dies
Posted 26 May 2023, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
I think Expo onto summit here. Wouldn't it be great if a non corrupt Bahamian government could lobby those off shore banks in Cayman and Turks to see just how many tens of millions are being stashed there by politicians and their cronies? A shame it will not happen.
On Judge: 'Now clear' Baha Mar sabotaged by CCA
Posted 26 May 2023, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The Cristian Church and those who are employed by it have always opposed progress, equality, and science. Gallielo? Capernicus?What do mean; the Earth goes around the Sun? Heresy, you will be burned at the stake.
On Response to Pastor Rex Major
Posted 26 May 2023, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Did Mr. Moss also run for the PLP in an election once? Church people do not make good politicians in my opinion. Politics embraces the art of compromise while religious people seem to always believe that compromise is evil and that only the particular set of beliefs that they themselves espouse are correct, every one else's are just wrong. No room for compromise in that mindset.
On FRONT PORCH – Rev CB Moss: Genuine patriot who called the country to greater righteousness
Posted 26 May 2023, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Dumb and dictorial. Can the proponents of this policy not see the consequences? Have they ever read Adam Smith's Wealth Of Nations? And if not , then they should not be in charge of the country's fragile economy.
On Insurer uproar on Gov'ts 50% investment 'dictate'
Posted 25 May 2023, 9:56 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
With regards to Mrs. Burnside's remarks regarding " the gentle Lucayans of the Old World whom Columbus encountered upon our shores in 149" I would like to remind her that of the warlike, possible cannibal , Caribs who also were in the vicinity. These islands were far from paradise prior tomColumbus.
Only a fool would think so.
On Have we learned our lesson yet?
Posted 24 May 2023, 9:30 p.m. Suggest removal