Comment history

hrysippus says...

K4C, his matter of employers actually remitting NIB deductions has nothing at all to do with the decades of nismanagement of the fund. If an employer did not remit the contributions then the employee cannot get the benefit. Simple.

hrysippus says...

It seems the Mr. Smith no longer gives himself the title Captain but his pugnacious attitude does not appear to have changed. Instead of accusing the principal officer of telling a damn lie, would it not be less rude to simply say that he did not tell RCI that his project wanted to host up to 1,000 guests per day. In assessing the credibilty of these two men we should recall their past statements as published the print media, one of these statements ended up in court.

hrysippus says...

What is even more insane than the law that mandates an accused can not be held without trial for more than 3 years, about 1,000 days and nights, locked up in the evil smelling medieval dungeon we used to call Fox Hill Prison, is the elected politicians, their relatives, cronies and assorted hangers on have ,for the past 50 years, spent countless millions of our tax dollars on luxury first class travel and hotels all over the world. Why was this money not used to hire judges and build courts? The blame can lie only with the elected politicians, no one else.

On Gonsalves was right

Posted 24 April 2023, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

This man certainly seems to know how to look after his own best interests. Does he just want to be the union president so that he can another pension perhaps?

hrysippus says...

I f you analyze these statistics that 90% of Bahamians think that politicians and senior civil servants are corrupt ;then can it be concluded that 10% of Bahamians are either politicians or friends, relatives, lovers, or cronies of politicians who benefit from that corruption?

hrysippus says...

Right, how about banning inter-continental ballistic missiles next? It will be as effective and will play well to the peanut gallery.

On CARICOM agrees to ban assault weapons

Posted 20 April 2023, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

It is very sad that it is a foregone conclusion that this investigation will go nowhere very slowly and the low life's who shared these photographs to social media will never be called to account, but that is just the expectation that most citizens have regarding the integrity of the police force.

hrysippus says...

So without any inward migration the population of the country would have contracted? Have i interpreted these statistics correctly?

hrysippus says...

In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king. Meanwhile; " startled to discover that Local Government is responsible for maintaining firefighting equipment on Family Islands, " in the kingdom of the dumb the ignorant rule....sigh.

hrysippus says...

If you do a google search; how many people are sociopathic?, the consensus seems to be about 3% of any given population. The police force in this country has 3,000 officers. And 3% of that number gives 90. Being a sociopath is very rarely a problem to others in society. Being a sociopath who is legally armed and can kill people without consequence may be a problem. We have seen this problem manifested many times in the police forces in the US, The London Metropolitan Police force just arrested one of their own for his long career as a serial rapist. We have very little checks on police behaviour but the country badly needs same IMO.