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hrysippus says...

The department of labour never do much, , , ,, Breaks for tea, and lunch, and such and such. ..So the chance of actually doing something, .. …. ..To justify the reason for their existing. .. .. . . Was a chance they just could not pass by, .. … .Hearing the hotel workers cry, . . …. .A press release is the first thing they do, . .. .Announcing what they hardly knew… . . .. Ignorance a good reason to act, . . .Perception often better than fact. .. .And off to the hotel to interview, …. .And, most important, all get some free fish stew, .. ..And a choice of many free desserts, . .. .To mitigate these imaginary hurts, , ,,, ,Then back to the office with nothing achieved, . .. .. ..’Cept bureaucratic hungers relieved. .sigh.

On Atlantis queried on employee complaints

Posted 11 May 2023, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

I see the costumes worn by the spouses of the GG & the PM and i can only think "wow" but perhaps not in the way that they may have wished,

hrysippus says...

Although Ms. Roberson raises some pertinent points for our consideration I must ask how many Bahamians have ever actually set foot on the site of RCI's development. The answer is probably hardly any as the beach is hard to get to unless you are wealthy enough to own a boat to take you there, and even if you do have access to a boat then it is more likely that you will go to Cabbage Beach or Rose Island, both places having much better beaches. I suspect you can walk to the beach if you drive to Paradise Island, manage to find a place to park a car, and then be willing to walk miles and trespass over privately owned land.

On RCL and PI proposal

Posted 6 May 2023, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

At long last the government is getting serious about tackling ipressing ssues, such as this one, that present a clear and immediate danger to the security and prosperity of the people of The Bahamas. If the government had not responded so quickly and forcefully who knows what might have happened, we might have seen people wearing t-shirts with the Bahamas flag or crest on them

hrysippus says...

Well, goodness gracious, who ever saw this coming? LOL.

hrysippus says...


I guess that you mussa have missed the recent UB meeting in Brazil, but, please do not let reality get in the way of your deusions.
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hrysippus says...

The governments of those countries hostile to the democratic nations have had their misinformation departments busy disseminating misinformation on social media for several years now with the goal of discrediting the United Nations as an organization. They have been very successful particularly with the less educated. The United Nations has many flaws however the world is better off with it rather than without. Those who disagree probably have not lost any family members serving in the two world wars, in fact, more probably do not have any family members that served in the armed foeces at all.

hrysippus says...

Messengerm; Excellent idea.

hrysippus says...

Not as many hate filled comments as might be expected. Good, perhaps our country is becoming a little more tolerant ,and ,dare I say it , embracing of the Christian values of love for our fellow man, woman and whatever you choose to be.

hrysippus says...

A brief recap, and corrections to recollections are welcomed. Mr. M. Laroda was appointed to a government position which included responsibility for ensuring that elected members and senior civil servants declared their worth, which findings were then, by law, to be gazette within a specific time frame. This did not happen. It might be seen by some that the appointment to a post as a cabinet minister with the healthy salary and many perks was a reward for not doing his job. It was not, or so I believe, the government just could not find another candidate both willing and able to take on this poison chalice called NIB. Does Mr. Laroda get an additional salary for heading up the fund in addition to his ministerial salary? Probably but we will likely never find out.Do, Again, we will likely never be told. Is Mr. Laroda telling the truth about the state of the NIB fund? Yes of course, that is his job.