Comment history

hrysippus says...

I gotta confess publicallyhat I sort of admire Tal's comments. And I do not extend that adniration to most of you'll.

hrysippus says...

What punishment does vaughan Miller think should be applied to adulteresses and fornicators?

hrysippus says...

My question is; does it really matter whether the father is the biological father or not provided that he is acting as one? Is there something extra special about Bahamian DNA? Also should this testing be retroactive? If so, then plenty Bahamians might suddenly and surprisingly lose their ciizenship. "Research from the past two decades shows that between 20 and 25 percent of married men cheat and between 10 and 15 percent of married women cheat, according to professor Nicholas "Wolfinger.

hrysippus says...

The country was no choice but to spend 18 million or more of our taxpayers dollars on this luxury political junket for dozens of politicians and their hanger ons, how else will Anne Marie get to be called My Lady?

hrysippus says...

When once you claim that you have a lease, But the details of which you do not release, .And your online campaign was not enough. , .. … .Your letters and all that other stuff, . .. ..The verdict was that you lost your case, .. . .Trying to gain that Crown land space. .. ...And once you’ve lost the public’s trust, . .. .What you claim a dream may turn to dust, . …..A letter written to Charles the third is more than just a little absurd. .. …..Your claim to provide local beach access. …. ..Will cost a lot more, not a lot less. .. … ..Unless you are able to swim o’er The Bar, .. ...Colonial Beach is a beach too far. Signed ,Commodore Chrysippus.

On Restoring lighthouse to its glory

Posted 16 May 2023, 5:15 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Is id better to be thought a blustering braggart with an English private school educated accent or ridiculed as a risible fool? Time, as always, will tell.

On Letter to the King on Crown Land

Posted 13 May 2023, 8:41 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

This is maybe better than the Cakefruit tree that MarieAntoinette would have offerred.

hrysippus says...

Have you heard the accent with which 'comrade:" (captain)Toby speakes? If this is not expensive N=British private fee-paying school's accent then my daddy did not be born on Habico.

On Atlantis queried on employee complaints

Posted 11 May 2023, 9:25 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

I look, with compassion, on these two young men in the employ of the min. of foreigm affairs. ; I look at the minister of foreign affairs, and I decide; better to comment nothing, for all concerned.

hrysippus says...

Well, Exdosed2c, the reason why there are so many mentally ill kids today has absolutely nothing to do with smoking marijuana, it has more to do with predators in the churches, schools, and youth sports, and a massive consumption of refined sugar. Lead poisoning from car exhaust used to be a factor but now we have lead free gas.