This is risible; Working from rounded figures; with 4,000 police officers for a population of 400,000, the country has one police officer per 100 citizens, In contrast the United Kingdom has one police officer per 866 citizens. This country has over 8 times as many per capita as the UK and apparently that is not enough. And we still have one of the highest murder rates of any country in the world. More policemen will make absolutely no difference in my opinion but let us hope that opinion is wrong. The RBPF is a large and inefficient top heavy bureaucracy, All bureaucrats have always sought more and yet more junior bureaucrats under their authority as it automatically gives them more seniority; I suspect this is at the root of the dramatic increase in costly manpower and womanpower.
What is the reason to hide the names of these people that he is suggesting engaged in nefarious behavior? He cannot be sued for slander if the allegations prove to be unfounded as he is covered by parliamentary privilege.
All SOE's are a waste of money, ... ..If it weren't so stupid it would be funny. .. ..The stupidest of all is ZNS, ... ..Crony employment and salary excess. .. .. ...Whatever they do is done by the private sector, ... ..Who pay their tax and do it better.. .. .. ..A propaganda tool at 12 million per year. ... ... ...Is grossly too much for our economy to bear. . ...But political egos must be fed. ... .. .To see themselves on TV before going to bed. .... ..If the subventions bleed the tax base dry, ... ...The propaganda tool will continue lie. ... ..As the tax-payers walk off the fiscal cliffs, ... .... They all will be humming one of those ZNS riff's . sigh.
It seems a bit weird that this professional politician is proud of what some other people have done, to wit, decided to arrive in the country on vacation by plane or cruise ship. Can I be proud that there was a blizzard in California and that it snowed in Boston today?
There is a flaw in the argument presented by the writer of this letter: he writes, " Receiving taxpayer’s money should mean that those institutions provide appropriate education for all taxpayers’ children". This is his opinion only. Should the Ministry of Education compel an all-girl school to accept boys, or vice vera, if they are receiving a subvention. What about if the child of a Satanist family wishes to attend one of the schools owned by a church denomination? Should the government be forcing the school to accept that child even though they wish not to do so? And yes it is understood that this latter scenario is unlikely to happen in the near future, but a principle is under consideration here which should be universally applicable.
How many taxi plates? The minister won't say. .. .. ..Majority obscuration on this brave new day. . . .. Were Plates given to lovers, to cronies, and to friends, . ..Political patronage used for dubious ends? .. ...It is rather sad, the integrity absent, .. .. ...In these honourable members chosen to represent. I
Many people hate the Haitians, . Because they work too hard, . ... Heavy lifting in construction or weeding people's yard, .. .. Their school kids do the homework, .. ..Even Coming often top of the grade. ...Showing how little effort the local kids have made, ...Then persons seeking causes try to rile the people up. . .. ..Dispensing fear and anger from the nationalistic cup, . .. .A raw political agenda from a man who would be king. Pretending to be treading in the past footsteps of ping. sigh.
hrysippus says...
This is risible; Working from rounded figures; with 4,000 police officers for a population of 400,000, the country has one police officer per 100 citizens, In contrast the United Kingdom has one police officer per 866 citizens. This country has over 8 times as many per capita as the UK and apparently that is not enough. And we still have one of the highest murder rates of any country in the world. More policemen will make absolutely no difference in my opinion but let us hope that opinion is wrong. The RBPF is a large and inefficient top heavy bureaucracy, All bureaucrats have always sought more and yet more junior bureaucrats under their authority as it automatically gives them more seniority; I suspect this is at the root of the dramatic increase in costly manpower and womanpower.
On Munroe: Government fixing deficit of officers
Posted 7 March 2023, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
\what has the minister done in easing tensions around \Corinthians 6:9-10?
On Why is church not helping ease tensions on migrants?
Posted 3 March 2023, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
What is the reason to hide the names of these people that he is suggesting engaged in nefarious behavior? He cannot be sued for slander if the allegations prove to be unfounded as he is covered by parliamentary privilege.
On ‘NGO went on spending spree with food money’
Posted 2 March 2023, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
If only I had not run aground in sailboats so many times i could have made a scathing comment.
On Sail boat crashes into rocks in Exuma (video)
Posted 24 February 2023, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
All SOE's are a waste of money, ... ..If it weren't so stupid it would be funny. .. ..The stupidest of all is ZNS, ... ..Crony employment and salary excess. .. .. ...Whatever they do is done by the private sector, ... ..Who pay their tax and do it better.. .. .. ..A propaganda tool at 12 million per year. ... ... ...Is grossly too much for our economy to bear. . ...But political egos must be fed. ... .. .To see themselves on TV before going to bed. .... ..If the subventions bleed the tax base dry, ... ...The propaganda tool will continue lie. ... ..As the tax-payers walk off the fiscal cliffs, ... .... They all will be humming one of those ZNS riff's . sigh.
On Loss-making SOEs: You’ll ‘pay one way or another’
Posted 24 February 2023, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
A good letter. Thanks.
On PLP opposed independence too
Posted 23 February 2023, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
It seems a bit weird that this professional politician is proud of what some other people have done, to wit, decided to arrive in the country on vacation by plane or cruise ship. Can I be proud that there was a blizzard in California and that it snowed in Boston today?
On PM ‘proud’ of record-breaking revenue in tourism
Posted 23 February 2023, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
There is a flaw in the argument presented by the writer of this letter: he writes, " Receiving taxpayer’s money should mean that those institutions provide appropriate education for all taxpayers’ children". This is his opinion only. Should the Ministry of Education compel an all-girl school to accept boys, or vice vera, if they are receiving a subvention. What about if the child of a Satanist family wishes to attend one of the schools owned by a church denomination? Should the government be forcing the school to accept that child even though they wish not to do so? And yes it is understood that this latter scenario is unlikely to happen in the near future, but a principle is under consideration here which should be universally applicable.
On Children’s learning disorders
Posted 22 February 2023, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
How many taxi plates? The minister won't say. .. .. ..Majority obscuration on this brave new day. . . .. Were Plates given to lovers, to cronies, and to friends, . ..Political patronage used for dubious ends? .. ...It is rather sad, the integrity absent, .. .. ...In these honourable members chosen to represent.
On How many taxi plates? Minister won’t say
Posted 21 February 2023, 7:19 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Many people hate the Haitians, . Because they work too hard, . ... Heavy lifting in construction or weeding people's yard, .. .. Their school kids do the homework, .. ..Even Coming often top of the grade. ...Showing how little effort the local kids have made, ...Then persons seeking causes try to rile the people up. . .. ..Dispensing fear and anger from the nationalistic cup, . .. .A raw political agenda from a man who would be king. Pretending to be treading in the past footsteps of ping. sigh.
On CRACKDOWN – PM: We cannot have shanty towns on our islands
Posted 20 February 2023, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal