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hrysippus says...

For the rest of my life I will never forget the reporting of Mr. Bethel on ZNS as the results of the 1992 election came in to his studio. Many years later Fox reporters had a similar experience reporting the win of President Joe Biden.

On Journalism giant Ed Bethel dies aged 82

Posted 13 March 2023, 8:53 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Is it just me or is it a bit ironic for women to be given awards for personal achievements by a woman who owes her position solely to the achievement of her spouse and not to anything that she herself has done?

hrysippus says...

"ad a large population of wild hogfish, hence the name “Hog Island”." ummm......

hrysippus says...

You seem to have touched a nerve with bilingual RabidEater, I wonder why? Too much FauxNews viewing for him, perhaps?

hrysippus says...

Atlantis, and its predecessors, have already pretty much already destroyed most of the ecosystem of Hog Island so I am not sure what this spokesperson is referring to in her statement. They even regularly remove every piece of seaweed that washes up on Cabbage Beach, so please do not talk about preserving the natural ecosystem.

hrysippus says...

As with all bureaucratic institutions this one grows in purely administrative personnel at the expense of employees who actually do the work that the institution was created to perform. For a more complete explanation read the book "Up The Organization". Unfortunately now out of print.

hrysippus says...

There are religious zealots who support state sponsored executions who would have perhaps been happy to have this now acquitted woman killed by hanging long before now.

hrysippus says...

Fryingfish, you have written; "Smith to recover what was taken from him". What was taken from him [please? He had nothing to my best recollection, and you cannot take away nothing.

On Davis: RCI work to start soon

Posted 9 March 2023, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

We live in an age of hyperbole. A reasonably good meal must be described as amazing, a night out with friends is legendary. Peter Outten, chairman for the Carmichael Constituency Association has absolutely no idea of the reality of war. The FNM may have a spirited debate but what the Ukrainians are suffering and dying from is war, not a political patty's leadership race. As has been mentioned before to gain the overly generous PM's pension you need to serve 2 terms. Motivation forHon. Dr. Minnis right there. It is potentially worth a very large amount of money to him.

hrysippus says...

Anyone suggesting "turning the migrant boats back" is indulging in overly simplistic thinking. The boats will not enough water or food, the return takes much longer because of the prevailing winds. With thousands of square miles of Bahamian territorial waters how exactly can a boat be turned back? Asking the boat captain nicely probably won't work in the real world.