High powered vheavy vehicles combined with adrenaline and excess testosterone is not a good predictor for the long life of these vehicles. If I was a vetting person I would lay odds that at least 50% are involved in traffic accidents within 60 months,
Perhaps I am getting way too cynical I cannot help but think 0f the overly generous pension awarded after a few years of hosting tea parties to whomever wins the title of next governor general, not to mention the king;s honour that accompanies that particular political plum.
was hoping not to get mired publicly in this issue,bit thethe glarlngly obvious wickedendness apparent in this letter writer leaves me little other choice, . People who make their money off of the bususiness of relgion often leave reason and logic by the wayside; this letter is a case in poimt, To asertthat someone of a bisexual persuasion engages in wantom three -somes is ridiculous , to say the least.Ignorant migt be better appelation. Sigh. ,
When I applied for my last business license it was not given until I had had the business premises inspected and passed by the Ministry of Works. To pass I needed employee bathrooms and a dumpster (skip) located on the site. How did these businesses get their licenses as I have not seen a dumpster outside each one? Is this corruption in action, or one law for most of us and another set of rules for the politically connected? Sigh...
Although this letter reads; " Once upon a time one could go over to Rose Island and find a deserted beach and enjoy a swim and a picnic lunch. Once upon a time one could go to Green Cay.", perhaps it should read; "If one grew up as a member of the wealthy Nassau elite and your family had a boat then Once upon a time one could go over to Rose Island and find a deserted beach and enjoy a swim and a picnic lunch. Once upon a time one could go to Green Cay"? For most all Nassau Bahamians this was not an available option. Jessica's point is still valid though.
hrysippus says...
Bad hair day,Promiscuity or permiscuity, you understood my posit. Congrats and thanks for the back up.
On Promiscuity is to be lauded?
Posted 19 March 2023, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
High powered vheavy vehicles combined with adrenaline and excess testosterone is not a good predictor for the long life of these vehicles. If I was a vetting person I would lay odds that at least 50% are involved in traffic accidents within 60 months,
On Police Force receives 10 new SUVs donated by US
Posted 19 March 2023, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Perhaps I am getting way too cynical I cannot help but think 0f the overly generous pension awarded after a few years of hosting tea parties to whomever wins the title of next governor general, not to mention the king;s honour that accompanies that particular political plum.
On Cynthia Mother Pratt Foundation donates supplies to Ministry of Health
Posted 18 March 2023, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Thank goodness this alert female immigration officer managed to prevent this visitor entering our country to have sex with her fiancé.. I can only imagine with horror what might have happened if the visitor was allowed in. Why did no one manage to stop the man?
On 'Bahamas refused entry to my girlfriend and her sister thinking they were sex workers'
Posted 18 March 2023, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Is the mill in the East a windmill or a cotton mill?
On Three arrests after armed robbery, shootout with police
Posted 18 March 2023, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
hah hah hah /haiti here we come....
On Some MPs have not yet disclosed
Posted 17 March 2023, 11:01 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
was hoping not to get mired publicly in this issue,bit thethe glarlngly obvious wickedendness apparent in this letter writer leaves me little other choice, . People who make their money off of the bususiness of relgion often leave reason and logic by the wayside; this letter is a case in poimt, To asertthat someone of a bisexual persuasion engages in wantom three -somes is ridiculous , to say the least.Ignorant migt be better appelation. Sigh.
On Promiscuity is to be lauded?
Posted 17 March 2023, 10:56 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
When I applied for my last business license it was not given until I had had the business premises inspected and passed by the Ministry of Works. To pass I needed employee bathrooms and a dumpster (skip) located on the site. How did these businesses get their licenses as I have not seen a dumpster outside each one? Is this corruption in action, or one law for most of us and another set of rules for the politically connected? Sigh...
On While MPs argue for their removal, BPPBA says all Montagu stalls are licenced
Posted 16 March 2023, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Bird writes: "Most of the land is private property ," No it is not. The crown land lease is for 12 acres.
On PM answers critics over govt approval
Posted 15 March 2023, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Although this letter reads; " Once upon a time one could go over to Rose Island and find a deserted beach and enjoy a swim and a picnic lunch. Once upon a time one could go to Green Cay.", perhaps it should read; "If one grew up as a member of the wealthy Nassau elite and your family had a boat then Once upon a time one could go over to Rose Island and find a deserted beach and enjoy a swim and a picnic lunch. Once upon a time one could go to Green Cay"? For most all Nassau Bahamians this was not an available option. Jessica's point is still valid though.
On Off limits to Bahamians
Posted 14 March 2023, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal