The Hon. Jeggrey Leonard is totally correct.Inflicting physical punishments on children is simply adult bullies teaching the next generation that it is OK to hit other people.
The legal hurdles on shanty towns, , , Are causing plenty gunmint frowns. .. . ..If they could only rule without the rule of law, . ... Getting something done would be much less of a chore. .. ... ..If police could render justice without recourse to trial, . .. ...Avoiding both the inquest and thw lawyers' guile... .. ... .The criminal finally dealt with, bothering no one ever again, .. ...Freeing enforcement justice fron its judicial chain. .. .. .Of course the problem then would that we would live in a police state. . ... .. Ruled not with respect and laws but rather force and hate. .. Sigh.
I cannot help but wonder just how productive this minister and his ministry are themselves. What do they produce anyway? And how much of it? What is the cost to the taxpayers, and what is the value of their product? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Is the pure, white, and deadly an addictive drug? . Causing so many diabetic early graves to be dug? ... . .Enslaving all who consume it, particularly the young. ...But because it is still legal, no heads in shame are hung.. .. .. ..Is gambling more addictive? I really do not know. .. One takes most all your money, the other drags your health down low. . .. .. And when the seller is successful and has millions to spare., .. . ..He can become a diplomat in some country over there. sigh.
The self-styled "Captain" Toby Smith; .. And the Primary Minster got into a tiff. . ..Smith's public rants went a step too far. . That lighthouse built at the harbour bar. . ..Did he truly want the light or the most valuable beach? . ... Is his fiscal grasp as long as his reach? ... .Empty barrels make the most noise. ... .. Jobs for locals or bribes for the boys? . .. .. .Time will show if his project can work. ..... .Or leave Mr. Smith looking just like a jerrycanerk. ,, , No sigh for this one, good luck to all.
This is a good idea. It will take years to bear fruit, decades even. But similar actions against manufacturers have worked in the past, most recently against pharmaceutical company Purdue, but also less recently cigarette and automobile manufacturers.
Tal; it is always all about the money. This land is the most valuable Crown land available in the country. If it was not so valuable then none of these people would be spending the large amounts of money that they have. The legal fees alone that RCL and Mr. Smith have incurred would be enough to scare many people. It was also not good when a Bahamian flag was tied onto the lighthouse and left up night and day with no spotlight on it. An act that was probably meant to demonstrate some sort of patriotism but in fact only rendered an insult to one our cherished national symbols.
74 police killings, or a police officer trying to kill someone, and no public accountability. this situation is very dangerous to the stability of our democracy. How far up the State Security Apparatus does the instigation and authorization of these extra judicial killings extend?
Perhaps Christie should have been more careful in favoring gambling houses and people like Nygard? Luckily for the country he is now totally irrelevant.
hrysippus says...
The Hon. Jeggrey Leonard is totally correct.Inflicting physical punishments on children is simply adult bullies teaching the next generation that it is OK to hit other people.
On Lloyd says corporal punishment needs to be eradicated from school system
Posted 27 March 2023, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The legal hurdles on shanty towns, , , Are causing plenty gunmint frowns. .. . ..If they could only rule without the rule of law, . ... Getting something done would be much less of a chore. .. ... ..If police could render justice without recourse to trial, . .. ...Avoiding both the inquest and thw lawyers' guile... .. ... .The criminal finally dealt with, bothering no one ever again, .. ...Freeing enforcement justice fron its judicial chain. .. .. .Of course the problem then would that we would live in a police state. . ... .. Ruled not with respect and laws but rather force and hate. .. Sigh.
On New legal hurdle faces govt on shanty towns
Posted 27 March 2023, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
I cannot help but wonder just how productive this minister and his ministry are themselves. What do they produce anyway? And how much of it? What is the cost to the taxpayers, and what is the value of their product? Inquiring minds would like to know.
On Keith Bell calls for increased productivity in labour force
Posted 25 March 2023, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Is the pure, white, and deadly an addictive drug? . Causing so many diabetic early graves to be dug? ... . .Enslaving all who consume it, particularly the young. ...But because it is still legal, no heads in shame are hung.. .. .. ..Is gambling more addictive? I really do not know. ..
One takes most all your money, the other drags your health down low. . .. .. And when the seller is successful and has millions to spare., .. . ..He can become a diplomat in some country over there. sigh.
On Opposition expected on possible sin tax
Posted 24 March 2023, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The self-styled "Captain" Toby Smith; .. And the Primary Minster got into a tiff. . ..Smith's public rants went a step too far. . That lighthouse built at the harbour bar. . ..Did he truly want the light or the most valuable beach? . ... Is his fiscal grasp as long as his reach? ... .Empty barrels make the most noise. ... .. Jobs for locals or bribes for the boys? . .. .. .Time will show if his project can work. ..... .Or leave Mr. Smith looking just like a jerrycanerk. ,, , No sigh for this one, good luck to all.
On ‘HUMBLE APOLOGY’ TO FURIOUS PM BY TOBY SMITH – “Deeply disturbed’ Davis: I’m the one left betrayed by developer’s comments
Posted 23 March 2023, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
This is a good idea. It will take years to bear fruit, decades even. But similar actions against manufacturers have worked in the past, most recently against pharmaceutical company Purdue, but also less recently cigarette and automobile manufacturers.
On BAHAMAS JOINS LAWSUIT DEMANDING US GUN MAKERS ‘PAY UP $10BN’: Case holds manufacturers accountable for harm caused by their products
Posted 22 March 2023, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Tal; it is always all about the money. This land is the most valuable Crown land available in the country. If it was not so valuable then none of these people would be spending the large amounts of money that they have. The legal fees alone that RCL and Mr. Smith have incurred would be enough to scare many people. It was also not good when a Bahamian flag was tied onto the lighthouse and left up night and day with no spotlight on it. An act that was probably meant to demonstrate some sort of patriotism but in fact only rendered an insult to one our cherished national symbols.
On ‘There’s been no final decision’ on RCI PI Project
Posted 22 March 2023, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
74 police killings, or a police officer trying to kill someone, and no public accountability. this situation is very dangerous to the stability of our democracy. How far up the State Security Apparatus does the instigation and authorization of these extra judicial killings extend?
On NO INQUESTS IN 74 POLICE SHOOTINGS: Human rights report highlights absence of Coroner’s probes
Posted 21 March 2023, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Perhaps Christie should have been more careful in favoring gambling houses and people like Nygard? Luckily for the country he is now totally irrelevant.
On Christie: Be careful on favouring cruise lines
Posted 20 March 2023, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
And the killings continue. We are such a murderous society now after 50 years of being an independent country, Is there a connection? I do not know.
On Weekend scarred by three murders
Posted 19 March 2023, 9:46 p.m. Suggest removal