It is ironic that flungfish claims to know what other people believe when Christians have long made it the duty to impose their own narrow beliefs on as many people as possible and as much as possible all the while completely dismissing any other belief system than their own. We all await your next co-written and revealing letter to the newspapers.
Walter claims that marital rape does not exist because it is not mentioned in his Bible. Wow, so my cellphone does not exist either then. Just when you think the limits of foolishness have been reached then, sure as sunrise, some right wing christo-fascist can be counted upon to prove you wrong.
Mr. Bruce Raine is 100 percent on point. The unasked question remains; what connections, if any, are there between the people who have erected these billboards and the politicos currently in positions of authority?
This increasingly desperate political wannabe continues his search for a cause to gain traction and name recognition. His suggestion of a naval blockade is risible., how well has that worked keeping liquor out of the US during prohibition? Keeping arms and supplies from the Confederate States during the civil war, keeping Cuban immigrants from reaching Florida? Etc., etc., etc.
The BBC today reports that The London Metropolitan Police Force is currently investigating about 800 police officers for possible misconduct. Retired policeman Mr., Paul Thompson writes lots of letters to the print media most of which convey the impression that he thinks that the RBPF does not and never has had, any crooked police officers. Now consider whether the PBF or the London MET has a better training, supervision, employee screening, and civilian oversight. The answer should be obvious to anyone with even a little commonsense.
Anything that Dame Marguerite Pindling gained in her life, she gained only because of her marriage to the prime minister. On this occasion she seems to be upset that the organizers did not invite her, well, Dame Marguerite Pindling, this event was not all about you, it was about your husband. Although she was correct in inferring that the event was also not about a certain plp member who loves to self publicize.
Do not forget that this is the same man who went down to T&C to attend the wedding of the then premier. Perhaps some people need to reminded as to what subsequently happened to that particular marriage and that particular premier.
King Alfred got famous for burning them cakes; And sears got fame for his hedging mistakes. The king's foolishness cost a dozen burnt buns, While incompetent Sears cost as all millions. A reputation for misspeaking is easily gained. And integrity lost is a career down the drain.
hrysippus says...
George Smith? Well, OK, I guess he did so much when he was a cabinet minister. What colour was his "donated" BMW, I forgot?
On George Smith: We must do more to help poor
Posted 22 January 2023, 8:15 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
It is ironic that flungfish claims to know what other people believe when Christians have long made it the duty to impose their own narrow beliefs on as many people as possible and as much as possible all the while completely dismissing any other belief system than their own. We all await your next co-written and revealing letter to the newspapers.
On ‘Church must have say on marital rape’
Posted 20 January 2023, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Walter claims that marital rape does not exist because it is not mentioned in his Bible. Wow, so my cellphone does not exist either then. Just when you think the limits of foolishness have been reached then, sure as sunrise, some right wing christo-fascist can be counted upon to prove you wrong.
On ‘Church must have say on marital rape’
Posted 20 January 2023, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Mr. Bruce Raine is 100 percent on point. The unasked question remains; what connections, if any, are there between the people who have erected these billboards and the politicos currently in positions of authority?
On Montagu billboards
Posted 19 January 2023, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
This increasingly desperate political wannabe continues his search for a cause to gain traction and name recognition. His suggestion of a naval blockade is risible., how well has that worked keeping liquor out of the US during prohibition? Keeping arms and supplies from the Confederate States during the civil war, keeping Cuban immigrants from reaching Florida? Etc., etc., etc.
On Coalition gives govt ‘14 days’ to act on migration
Posted 18 January 2023, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The BBC today reports that The London Metropolitan Police Force is currently investigating about 800 police officers for possible misconduct. Retired policeman Mr., Paul Thompson writes lots of letters to the print media most of which convey the impression that he thinks that the RBPF does not and never has had, any crooked police officers. Now consider whether the PBF or the London MET has a better training, supervision, employee screening, and civilian oversight. The answer should be obvious to anyone with even a little commonsense.
On Show faith in police
Posted 16 January 2023, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Anything that Dame Marguerite Pindling gained in her life, she gained only because of her marriage to the prime minister. On this occasion she seems to be upset that the organizers did not invite her, well, Dame Marguerite Pindling, this event was not all about you, it was about your husband. Although she was correct in inferring that the event was also not about a certain plp member who loves to self publicize.
On Pindling name fades in the PLP
Posted 13 January 2023, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Do not forget that this is the same man who went down to T&C to attend the wedding of the then premier. Perhaps some people need to reminded as to what subsequently happened to that particular marriage and that particular premier.
On Wilchcombe: Marital rape law consultation done ‘in weeks’
Posted 12 January 2023, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
King Alfred got famous for burning them cakes; And sears got fame for his hedging mistakes. The king's foolishness cost a dozen burnt buns, While incompetent Sears cost as all millions. A reputation for misspeaking is easily gained. And integrity lost is a career down the drain.
On Sears: Forensic report of BPL soon
Posted 10 January 2023, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Canary blue, not canary yellow? Well OK.......
On 'The money is gone': Bahamas tries to turn page after FTX (Associated Press)
Posted 8 January 2023, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal