The bane of every charitable endeavor has always been "administrative costs" which absorb the money donated before it is effectively used to further the particular aims of the charity. Historically the BNT has very low administrative costs because of the time and service donated bt those who took on the task of running. With this reported increase of staff to 90 paid employees I can only wonder how much of the funds will left over to carry out worthy things. Can we expect the BNT to soon be seeking increased funding?
This is simply political theatre, which corporations owned by China have had to practice for decades in their home country. If 20 positions are really surplus to requirements, then we can expect that 20 jobs will be phased out over the next few months. It is also quite likely that elected government officials have simply been gamed by a more savvy group for reasons which may or may not become apparent to the electorate.
It has taken less than 50 years of independence to destroy the effectiveness of the police force, the effective functionality of the judicial system, and the excellent sovereign credit rating that the country once enjoyed. Last year the country achieved a murder rate of over33 per 100,000 population, we remain amongst the most murderous countries in the world. And a 12-billion-dollar debt as well. Happy and prosperous New Year everybody.
This national insurance board, ... . .Lends out more than it can afford,. ... Propping up a failing bank, ... ... ... .Like climbing on the Titanic as it sank...... .... ..Or lending monies to Bahamasair.......That disappears like my receding hair...... .... ...And paying their staff more than they need,............ . . ..And plenty unemployed to feed........ .. . Forty nine years of mismanagement... .. ...
..They have wasted most that we contributors lent........Sigh.
Thinking about plans achieves absolutely nothing in the real world that we actually live in. The elected officials can do nothing to counteract inflation since they have no control over the means and costs of production.
There is a lot of truth in the online Tribune comments. As for what Pricewell had to say, well ZNS and all its government paid employees are nothing much more than an unnecessary burden on the backs and wallets of the Bahamian taxpayers.
hrysippus says...
Carlos? Most every bureaucrat in any government just wants more money and more people to supervise. It makes them feel more worthy. Sigh.
On Two killed in separate shootings
Posted 6 January 2023, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The bane of every charitable endeavor has always been "administrative costs" which absorb the money donated before it is effectively used to further the particular aims of the charity. Historically the BNT has very low administrative costs because of the time and service donated bt those who took on the task of running. With this reported increase of staff to 90 paid employees I can only wonder how much of the funds will left over to carry out worthy things. Can we expect the BNT to soon be seeking increased funding?
On DIANE PHILLIPS: Thanks, Eric Carey, you took the elitism out of the Bahamas National Trust and made it ours
Posted 6 January 2023, 7:38 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
This is simply political theatre, which corporations owned by China have had to practice for decades in their home country. If 20 positions are really surplus to requirements, then we can expect that 20 jobs will be phased out over the next few months. It is also quite likely that elected government officials have simply been gamed by a more savvy group for reasons which may or may not become apparent to the electorate.
On PM's 'swift intervention' reverses decision to lay off 20 Bahamian workers at Freeport Container Port
Posted 6 January 2023, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
In other news a government spokesperson assured the public free electricity will very soon be given to every voter..........
On ‘Village road is safe’ - despite car plunge
Posted 5 January 2023, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
It has taken less than 50 years of independence to destroy the effectiveness of the police force, the effective functionality of the judicial system, and the excellent sovereign credit rating that the country once enjoyed. Last year the country achieved a murder rate of over33 per 100,000 population, we remain amongst the most murderous countries in the world. And a 12-billion-dollar debt as well. Happy and prosperous New Year everybody.
On UPDATED: Couple shot dead in their sleep
Posted 3 January 2023, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Why does Bahamar and Sarkis and CCA come straight into my mind when I read this? I have no idea why myself.
On Chief Justice Ian Winder knighted in King's New Year Honours
Posted 1 January 2023, 9:25 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Tellrussel; well, yes and no. yes?
On GOVT ‘WILL HAVE TO MAKE NIB DECISION’: Minister insists all options are being considered over fund
Posted 29 December 2022, 8:41 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
This national insurance board, ... .
.Lends out more than it can afford,. ...
Propping up a failing bank, ... ... ...
.Like climbing on the Titanic as it sank...... ....
..Or lending monies to Bahamasair.......That disappears like my receding hair...... ....
...And paying their staff more than they need,............ . .
..And plenty unemployed to feed........ ..
. Forty nine years of mismanagement... .. ...
..They have wasted most that we contributors lent........Sigh.
On GOVT ‘WILL HAVE TO MAKE NIB DECISION’: Minister insists all options are being considered over fund
Posted 29 December 2022, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Thinking about plans achieves absolutely nothing in the real world that we actually live in. The elected officials can do nothing to counteract inflation since they have no control over the means and costs of production.
On Govt aims to tackle inflation
Posted 28 December 2022, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
There is a lot of truth in the online Tribune comments. As for what Pricewell had to say, well ZNS and all its government paid employees are nothing much more than an unnecessary burden on the backs and wallets of the Bahamian taxpayers.
On Complaint over "intrusion" on Junkanoo broadcast
Posted 27 December 2022, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal