It is with a certain wonder that we learn from Mr. Davis that Jesus was born " to a family with no home ". How did he find out that Joseph the carpenter and Mary, his wife, had no home? I have never read this in any bible. In fact what I have read is that thet travelled from their home to the city of David. Surely Mr. Davis would never say anything that was not well researched and accepted as true.
It is good that the evil acts perpetuated by the corruption smeared PLP Christie administration are being well documented in a court of law with a high standard of truth. It seems that corruption in The PLP Bahamas is a short cut to a knighthood ever since their first administration.
Does Mr. Cambridge ever fly on Bahamasair? Or listen and watch ZNS media stations? All of these State-Owned Enterprises cost the taxpayer many tens of millions of dollars in subsidies each and every year. More than that; these massive subsidies also serve to stifle competition particularly with a business such as an inter-island airline which involves a very large capital investment, by allowing the State-Owned ones to operate at a loss with lower fares. Subsidizing SOE's is usually a bad thing economically as it distorts the market and leads to grave loss of efficiency. Just look at the insane overstaffing at ZNS and Bahamasair, not to mention the expensive unfunded pensions for their retirees.
It seems feasible that the country will achieve horrifying 130 + murders this year, the 49th year as an independent country able to determine its own destiny. This unwelcome achievement will almost certainly cause The Bahamas to advance in the World rankings of most murderous countries in which to live, when measured on a "per capita" basis. We were the ninth highest in the World and we will advance to 7th highest. Many people have lost faith in both the Judiciary system to function effectively and the top-heavy police force to be able to effectively combat crime. Obviously, the elected officials have no credible plan to deal with the problem and they are much too busy flying off to foreign countries in any case.
See, while your comment is essentially correct the point that you have missed was famously made by the English aristocrat and 5th generation politicio, Winston Spencer Churchsomething that "Democracy is the worst possible political system except for all the others." Russia? China? Cuba, anyone?
So, Kevin thinks that President Biden is a Marxist? The Alt. Far Right Media has gained another believer then. I wonder if the Biblical Feeding of the 5,000 with the loaves and fishes would be considered a Marxist act by Mr. Evans? Inquiring minds would like to know.
The only decent and honourable course of action for a cabinet minister caught out lying in parliament is for that minister to resign, sadly cabinet ministers who are members of this particular political party do not have a stellar record of doing the "right thing" back even to their first administration.
A 1970's Doctor Hook song; "I got phoned and I missed it, I got phoned and I missed it, I got phoned and it rolled right by. I got phoned and I missed it, I got phoned and I missed it, I got phoned, Oh, me, Oh my...." Sounds about right for this lot.
hrysippus says...
It is with a certain wonder that we learn from Mr. Davis that Jesus was born " to a family with no home ". How did he find out that Joseph the carpenter and Mary, his wife, had no home? I have never read this in any bible. In fact what I have read is that thet travelled from their home to the city of David. Surely Mr. Davis would never say anything that was not well researched and accepted as true.
On PM: Challenges made us stronger
Posted 22 December 2022, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
It is good that the evil acts perpetuated by the corruption smeared PLP Christie administration are being well documented in a court of law with a high standard of truth. It seems that corruption in The PLP Bahamas is a short cut to a knighthood ever since their first administration.
On Sarkis loss ‘over $3bn’ if Baha Mar hit targets
Posted 21 December 2022, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Does Mr. Cambridge ever fly on Bahamasair? Or listen and watch ZNS media stations? All of these State-Owned Enterprises cost the taxpayer many tens of millions of dollars in subsidies each and every year. More than that; these massive subsidies also serve to stifle competition particularly with a business such as an inter-island airline which involves a very large capital investment, by allowing the State-Owned ones to operate at a loss with lower fares. Subsidizing SOE's is usually a bad thing economically as it distorts the market and leads to grave loss of efficiency. Just look at the insane overstaffing at ZNS and Bahamasair, not to mention the expensive unfunded pensions for their retirees.
On LETTER: Pop Band is unfair competition
Posted 21 December 2022, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
It seems feasible that the country will achieve horrifying 130 + murders this year, the 49th year as an independent country able to determine its own destiny. This unwelcome achievement will almost certainly cause The Bahamas to advance in the World rankings of most murderous countries in which to live, when measured on a "per capita" basis. We were the ninth highest in the World and we will advance to 7th highest. Many people have lost faith in both the Judiciary system to function effectively and the top-heavy police force to be able to effectively combat crime. Obviously, the elected officials have no credible plan to deal with the problem and they are much too busy flying off to foreign countries in any case.
On PM: Murder rate ‘unacceptable’
Posted 19 December 2022, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
And so the murder rate per capita for this 49th year of "majority rule" government is how much? 8th highest in the world?
On Two shot dead off West Bay Street
Posted 10 December 2022, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
See, while your comment is essentially correct the point that you have missed was famously made by the English aristocrat and 5th generation politicio, Winston Spencer Churchsomething that "Democracy is the worst possible political system except for all the others." Russia? China? Cuba, anyone?
On Implications of Warnock’s Georgia win
Posted 10 December 2022, 9:05 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
So, Kevin thinks that President Biden is a Marxist? The Alt. Far Right Media has gained another believer then. I wonder if the Biblical Feeding of the 5,000 with the loaves and fishes would be considered a Marxist act by Mr. Evans? Inquiring minds would like to know.
On Implications of Warnock’s Georgia win
Posted 10 December 2022, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
"1,000 potholes patched’", great, only 237,000 left to be filled.
On ‘More than 1,000 potholes patched’
Posted 9 December 2022, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The only decent and honourable course of action for a cabinet minister caught out lying in parliament is for that minister to resign, sadly cabinet ministers who are members of this particular political party do not have a stellar record of doing the "right thing" back even to their first administration.
On 'Sears unsuitable for his portfolio’
Posted 8 December 2022, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
A 1970's Doctor Hook song; "I got phoned and I missed it, I got phoned and I missed it, I got phoned and it rolled right by. I got phoned and I missed it, I got phoned and I missed it, I got phoned, Oh, me, Oh my...." Sounds about right for this lot.
On Pintard ‘not surprised’ at marijuana delay
Posted 7 December 2022, 9:53 p.m. Suggest removal