Comment history

hrysippus says...

The past half century shows us that we should not expect any great improvements to our roads when the Progressively Larger Potholes, PLP, administration is in power. They are much too busy traveling off to foreign countries to pay attention to little details such as these.

hrysippus says...

Has everyone forgotten Bernie and Robert Vesco and Investers Overseas Services.? Financial scandals operating out of Nassau are nothing new. Cabinet minister loans anyone?

hrysippus says...

The Rt. Hon Ryan Pinder cautions us not to spread "fake news"; does this bring to anyone else's mind a past leader of his political party promising free electricity to his constituents if only they would re-elect him?

On AG says govt did not seize assets from FTX

Posted 25 November 2022, 9:21 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

A newspaper's revenue is not so much derived from se;;ing newspapers but rather from sellig advertising space and publishing legal and government notices. And of course the Hon. Sears should certainly do the correct parliamentaty thing and resign, also he almost certainly will not resign.

On Pintard calls for Sears to resign

Posted 19 November 2022, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

It is rather sad to see a letter writer displaying such a fundamental lack of understanding of the country's grocery business actually works. If a head of lettuce is now selling for $5 it is because the cost of buying, importing, paying duty to the government , paying VAT to the government,paying the BPL bill to keep it cool, paying for the 5% or more spoilage, has increased to mandate that price. There is nothing sinister or greedy about this, it is simply the economics of business. There is only one viable alternative to the grocery stores selling a head of lettuce for $5, and that is not selling any lettuce at all. It is also revealing that the letter writer considers "snacks" to be an essential dietary component. Really? I mussa have grown up in a different generation when we had porridge oats for breakfast each morning.

On The madness of shrinkflation

Posted 17 November 2022, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

This correlation being made between the reduction in the percentage ampunt of VAT charged and the subsequent rise in the amount of tax collected, while being politically pleasing to the governing party, is almost certainly a false equivalency fallacy. The collection of VAT has risen much in line with the increase in tourism spending, the increase in real estate transactions, and the increase in imports as the economy recovers a little. To assign the increase solely to the rate cut is too simple and probably incorrect.

hrysippus says...

Just maybe when the people involved in this titanic scam are named in a US court of law then one of the Bahamians honored by our late sovereign will have that honor rescinded. We can surely hope so.

hrysippus says...

Just business as usual for the PLP, corruption smeared from top to bottom. Does anyone need their roof re-shingled.

hrysippus says...

It looks like the country is on track for yet another record braking number of murders this year. At this current rate we may well achieve 130 murders as December usually seems to the most murderous month of the year. It seems that there is nothing anyone has been able to do to stem the ongoing increase over the past half century. So sad.

hrysippus says...

The latest Commissioner of The Royal Bahamas Police Farce assured us all that he had a plan to implement to stem the rising tsunami of crime. He hoped to see the country end the year with less than 100 murders. One critical part of the Commissioner's plan was the appointment of several extra Assistant commissioners. At the current murder rate, the country should achieve over 130 murders by year's end. Perhaps the appointment of several more Assistant commissioners may help or maybe the plan was doomed from conception.

On Minnis: Crime consultants failing

Posted 2 November 2022, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal