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i_land_boy says...

we have not been allowed to gamble in casinos because that money pretty much leaves the country directly. this is why all casinos here are in US dollars. Please get your facts straight.

On Island Luck CEO hits out at Rupert Roberts

Posted 10 January 2017, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

While i agree with points from both sides, neither are 100% correct. While Roberts business supply groceries, its not all gravy. selling food here is a huge risk, power cuts and the mere fact that everything has to arrive here by boat mandate a price premium. When food goes bad on the shelf, there is no money for that. That is a loss, including the duty paid on those items. All sebas does is take money, gambling houses always win.

Whats worse is admitting there is a problem, and doing nothing.....

On Island Luck CEO hits out at Rupert Roberts

Posted 10 January 2017, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

BPL would have you believe that allowing self generation costs them more. In reality, anything that removes load from the grid, allows the generators to run at more efficient speeds. All internal combustion engines have an efficiency range where they operate with the most power output per unit of fuel. Since our system is so overworked we are not running the generators where they are most efficient. When they are operated at higher RPM's and loads, the fuel consumption increases several fold more. It is not a linear increase but exponential, also keep in mind peak load is at night when everyone goes home and turns on waterheaters TV's and airconditioner's etc. This is just another reason for them to make us feel like they are doing us a favor when actually it is us doing them a favor by paying for solar panels from our own pockets to sell them power at a severely discounted price. Fact is we have to do this because they cant meet the demand and still charge us through the nose for it. The only real way to have a zero power bill in this scheme is to run wind generators along with your solar install, and I wouldn't be surprised if BPL prohibits wind generator installations on a private home.

i_land_boy says...

No one is reporting on the bahamian company that has all the same equipment locally, that got run out so the govt could bring in a foreign company to do the same thing.......shamefull

On Goombay ends with spectacular flyboarding sight

Posted 10 September 2016, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

Paying the Bahamian contractors "as close to 100% as possible" is not F@&king good enough. 5% could be as close as possible, by that definition. vague wording like that is what scares me. there is no way that any deal should be struck until Bahamian contractors get 100% of their money back with interest and compensation to make up for the suffering these companies had to endure while their money was being held. If China state cant commit to that, then we are truly getting screwed here. the fact that our govt is compromised in this deal means we will get screwed no matter what as the chinese can now take whatever they want while the PLP is in control. the fact that we are getting led around by the nose by foreigners in our own country is shameful.

i_land_boy says...

so we get a multi million dollar concert, but our actual independence day gets less and less.

because priorities, you know...........

i_land_boy says...

This is just so dumb. Our govt has taken back things in the past, so grow some balls and tell CEXIM bank go away, we just nationalized this piece in the name of......... what are they gonna do, bomb us? We could put our foot down and make them come to our terms, or else we bulldoze the whole thing and let a proper investor come in and build a proper hotel. we own the property after all, and this tactic taken by the Chinese backers has done more damage to our economy than the money owed on this hotel. Every day their greed persists our economy gets a little worse.

i_land_boy says...

John, i have looked at your twitter feed. it is all negative, you seem to have nothing nice to say about anyone. I am not sure what your purpose is stirring up dissent over here in the Bahamas, perhaps some well hung Bahamian stole your lady, or possibly you got swindled in on Bay Street. In the end you are a nobody here in the Bahamas, and really have no business stirring up the pot. Fortunately this project is not deteriorating into pieces like you have stated, it is still shiny and relatively new. I am not trying to validate this project, or even vouch for anyone involved, I am just a bahamian citizen hoping for the best for his country, and wondering what purpose you even have by trying to cause trouble here. please explain what you are doing here.

On Baha Mar sale process begins

Posted 22 March 2016, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

that unibrow tho. reminds me of the handlebars on my old royal enfield ten speed back in the day.

On Caution urged on new tax to fund NHI

Posted 10 March 2016, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

i asked myself the same question the other day, how are numbers not under VAT? the numbers house provide a service of letting you place bets on on foreign lotteries, VAT is a service tax. there are more ways that they are a service than not. another slap in the face.......