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i_land_boy says...

actually the ICAO forced this upon us. they regulate international air travel. if we had not enacted any legislation, we would start losing airlines flying here as we do not have any effective drone laws. believe me the govt had nothing to do with this and were told to get it done or else.

On All drones must be registered by February

Posted 18 December 2015, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

but you wasted time commenting on an article you didnt even bother to read.

On The sky is the limit for UAVs

Posted 7 August 2014, 8:38 p.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

if you bothered to read the article, you would see that most of the uses described here are for cinematography, capturing video etc. satelites are useless for that

On The sky is the limit for UAVs

Posted 6 August 2014, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

so i guess you support the systematic destruction of the main attractions that almost all tourists come here to see, and i don't mean gambling. you can call all the racists cards you want, but in the end when the foreign developers ruin this country and leave us with a barren wasteland for our children to deal with, you will then realize the error of your statements. and talk all you want about the different political parties, i dont support any of them. i voted for the lesser of three evils last election but only because there wasnt a 4th choice. i support family island development, but i believe that these things should be reserved for bahamians to develop through crown land and honest grants from the government. development should be sustainable, and sized properly for the islands they are put on. the bimini development is just too big. and will ruin an amazing island with tons of marine biodiversity. The Bahamas should be for the Bahamians, not foreign developers. we have so much here to use to our advantage, but until our government gets over the idea that only foreigners can help us with their money, we will be stuck in this reality for a long time.


Posted 26 May 2014, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

GeneralCrazy - you talk about the slave masters in London, when in actual fact its the black slave masters in our government you should be worried about, they are the ones who want to take everything from the little man and live luxurious lives off of the blood and sweat of those less fortunate. You seem pretty ignorant to these things. and just ignorant in general. You should change your name to General Ignorance, its a much better fit. also there is no need to swear here, it just makes you look even dumber.


Posted 26 May 2014, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

While the financial collapse may have had something to do with West End, there was also the problem that that project was way too ambitious, not too mention that they wanted to basically turn it into a foreign country on our own soil, with restricted access to bahamians, their own schools, police, hospitals etc, and a 5 mile restriction for any vessels offshore. or in other words, another place in the Bahamas that Bahamians would not have access to. i hope i am remembering all that correctly, but i may be a little off on the details as it was a while ago, but i remember being shocked at what they were planning back then.

i_land_boy says...

Read up on Genting a little. Their biggest problem in Florida with their gambling boats could be solved by hiring Americans instead of people from South America. The CBP has told Genting repeatedly that they could run their gambling operations as they normally did by hiring locally, but Genting refuses because they can pay the foreign workers well under minimum wage as they are not covered under US labor laws. this is definitely the kind of people we want running businesses in the Bahamas..... #sarcasm

i_land_boy says...

you do realize that this article was written in 1970, 44 years ago, while it is somewhat relevant, people should understand this is very old news

i_land_boy says...

ikorky.. Maby you should educate yourself, unfortunately I do not have the time to sit here and educate you on the all the problems this development will create. Personally i am all for development, I will go as far to say that I have a marine construction background. There is nothing that you can say to me to change my mind, because simply i know more about this than you do.....period. If you want to keep spouting off nonsense with no supporting evidence, then go ahead. As far as I can tell you are the only one here with that opinion, and that leads me to believe one of two things.

1) you are a paid shill
2) you really are as stupid as you sound.

also the correct spelling is ulterior not alterior.

i_land_boy says...

also it should be noted that the only reason Genting is pushing so hard on this project is to change the current offshore gambling laws in Florida. As it stands now, gambling boats cannot go out for short trips anymore and return back to port in Florida. Any boat that leaves a Florida port to international waters must check in at a foreign port before returning to a U.S port. This basically stops all the gambling ships from operating miles off of the U.S coast. Genting is hoping that by doing this, the Florida gaming board will relax the offshore gambling laws due to the loss of gambling taxes to Bimini. Once this law is changed, Genting will dump Bimini and continue to reap massive gambling profits offshore from Florida, and recover any investment losses in bimini quite quickly. the end result? Bimini turns into an over developed ghost town, with a destroyed environment.