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ibonamy says...

I am fully vaccinated and so is my family, I continue with all protocols and I personally enjoyed the lockdowns. I was able to focus more on my gardening and caught up on my readings. The question i have for this team is. How are we counting the **waves of this pandemic**. Because i would think that we should consider the complete yearly cycle. meaning all the season as defined by the national geographic society: A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons—spring, summer, fall, and winter—follow one another ..and this will determine the wave. Just a food for thought. We knew this would come, we accepted the lockdown earlier when the cases were few and the death toll was at its lowest. When the lockdown was announced the former MOH was MIA, this was a clear indication off the direction we were heading. The phase " if you don't know where you are going, then any road will take you there" I agree with the PM about a new mandate from the people. We have failed on all fronts and what is so sad, people did not have **to die**.…

ibonamy says...

If you take the 600+ thousands of people who died in the USA f rom Covid-19 and replace them with Bahamians, we would not have anyone left in the Bahamas, the USA will still have a country of over 300 million. To say our numbers are better is being irresponsible but damn right silly. We depend on the same USA to assist with every facet of our daily lives. We need to get off our soap boxes and make the tough decisions. Testing, and mandatory vaccinations have to be the rule of today. Mr. Ministry you were part and parcel of allowing flights landing in the Bahamas carrying this deadly disease, so please stop.