Comment history

ikorky says...

Which deal are you referring to? I don't see any stories on resorts world or any of its owners doing a ferry service to Cuba? As far as other companies doing ferry service to Cuba from Miami, ft lauderdale tc that's been common knowledge for over a year now?

ikorky says...

seriously ...enough with the crap...bringforth a new and more powerful economy in Bimini..more jobs, more money, more business more opportunity...

ikorky says...

who cares about reviews...the hotel is in the process of getting their shit together...its like opening a business for the first time or dating someone for the first got to test the water see what works what doesn't...their doing a lot of first for the island it will take 2-3 years before thus business will begin to stabilize until then they will be hiring building and growing the economy of bimini and bahamas for that matter

On Bimini business model

Posted 4 June 2014, 12:49 a.m. Suggest removal

ikorky says...

1. Completely disagree....for a destination resort certain things need to be in place for it to succee. The first and most important thing is infrastructure ( transportation had to be cheap and readily available. Aside from the fact that it's only 48 miles and private vessels can easily arrive ..the ferry boat and new airport are allowing it to easily and cheaply go to bimini...all that needed now is for the project to introduce more entertainment and losing options which are currently in development

On Bimini business model

Posted 2 June 2014, 10:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ikorky says...

Why do you say its going to fail? and why are you jumping the gun...infrastructure is whats needed and what was lacking before? One of the key components needed in a destination resort ( Genting is the largest and best in the world at doing this...look at all their other projects in the world) is to have easy and cheap accessibility to a location, ( hence the super fast, the terminal port and the imprived and remodeled airport with new airlines flying in cheaper)....

ikorky says...

Perfect...they can finally continue...more jobs, more improvements...better quality of life coming to bimini...

ikorky says... seeing things first hand... i see a shit load of more people working a tthe resort than 1 year ago... i see a new terminal at the airport, and a new runway.. i see more new planes and flights cheaper to the island... im seeing fixed up roads and parks... new computer lab for the parks for the kids.... i could keep going on and on....all of this in less than 12 months of these guys taking over...i could only imagine 12 months later the amazing improvements these guys are ...i see no valid point to your comment

ikorky says...

This makes no sense, and who cares about any "alterior" motive.....bottom line here comes someone with half a billion dollars to invest in its country and infrastructure...their shouldnt ne any if ands or butts...

ikorky says... actually a real estate and hospitality developer with in depth knowledge of this projects current and past performance... Real estate and hospitality is my back ground... I also happened to put my money were my mouth is and have invested heavily in Bimini in the last year since Genting took over..because i believe whole heartily in the overall positive changes that are under way to this island and the stability of the Bahamas.

ikorky says...

No... that was an economic collapse that was world wide..the project didint go through because the entire world had a credit and housing collapse.. no real estate was sold on the west end thus for making the project bankrupt along with lack of the rest of the world and every other ginn project at the time.