Comment history

ikorky says...

The government is doing a fantastic jobs at brining in foreign investors such as genting and other large developers that are putting their money were their mouth is and pouring in billions of dollars in many islands...At the end of the day these investments will yield more food in peoples mouths and more roofs over peoples heads...bottom line

ikorky says...

I dont understand why everyone is always fussing about whats going on...I think people should be more grateful these guys are here pumping nearly half billion dollars into both Bimini and Bahamas. That pier is not only needed but is crucial for the (guest/ user experience) arriving to the island. When evaluating the opportunity cost of what people are complaining and bitching about it pales in comparison to what a nearly a half a billion dollar investment will do for that small island and the Bahamas. I think its ridiculous how people are getting about this.