Comment history

immigrant says...

Solomons and Fresh Market are empty. I loved having an option but until they stock their shelves, I'm forced to stick with Rupert R's stinky stores and overpriced items. Come on Gavin, get your #%$* together.

immigrant says...

Any bets on whether or not Mr. Davis and Mr. Darville will be wearing their disgusting masks when they bow to the royals this week? My guess is no.., but the rest of us have to continue strapping these disgusting things on our faces. Great that you eased church eliminate the masks and the cumbersome travel requirements.

immigrant says...

No they don't. If they do, how was it able to spread so readily in December and January when we were all wearing our masks? If both people are wearing properly fitted, medical grade masks and changing them frequently, then there is a <6% reduction in the possibility of transmission. If you think strongly otherwise, it should be your personal choice just as it should be mine to forego the nasty face diaper.

immigrant says...

Such discriminatory garbage. We have already gotten a notice from Atlantis that guests are no longer required to wear masks but employees must continue. Tell me what science that is supporting.

immigrant says...

Thank God we can now have a drive through BBQ…what a waste of time. There isn’t a tourist on this island wearing masks anymore…make it a personal choice.

immigrant says...

1st ditch these disgusting masks.

On Tourists’ five-day test to be scrapped

Posted 3 March 2022, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

Hawaii...entry test and vax mandates finished. Most of the world is doing away with the face diapers and still here we are wearing them like they do something. Get rid of the masks!

immigrant says...

Ditch the masks. the science exists and it is clear. If it is not medical grade, it doesn't work. There is no grey area.

On Restrictions remain as fourth wave dying out

Posted 16 February 2022, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal