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immigrant says...

Masks. Time to throw the disgusting face diapers in the garbage.

On Marina slowdown causing ‘freak out’

Posted 9 February 2022, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

Get rid of mask mandates! How long shall we stay muzzled when science clearly says that non medical grade masks don’t work.

immigrant says...

Man, these real estate people something else. Can’t stop talking about how great the high end real estate business is performing…ya gotta pay to play playah! If I buy a $3,000,000 dollar house in Naples, Florida, I’m sure gonna expect to pay property tax…what do they expect here. I’ll go back to the Morley fella…he’s got a $600,000 boat sitting in front of his dock…does he really want us to believe that his property is valued less than his boat. Cry me a river.

immigrant says...

Haha. The same realtor talking about how amazing the high end real estate market is this year is now crying poor mouth. You and all your other Cronies should pay your share. Ha…$4,000. I pay that on my piece s—- house that is NOT in a gated community, it isn’t water front and it sure doesn’t have a $400,000 boat sitting in front of it!

immigrant says...

At least we won't have to worry about the brain drain with this generation of school children. They are going to be so unprepared for anything, no other country will take them. It is very sad that these children are being completely left behind. Start with deconstructing the union. Those teachers are so happy sitting on their backsides with no accountability...

immigrant says...

Maybe we should just shut down and cower in fear, hoping that our more developed saviors to the north will rescue us in the event of an inevitable variant. Shoot, we should just all quit trying and take our place in the soup line.

immigrant says...

And I'm sure all Bahamians will have access to the grounds to see this event?

immigrant says...…

Oh yeah. He knows so much that he doesn’t realize at the end of this month the CDC is discontinuing PCR tests because they can’t differentiate between influenza and COVID. He’s very cutting edge…or is he just spouting off to jeep his name in the news?

immigrant says...

Of course he does...he knows he can get those that are well connected in without following the cumbersome and expensive requirements (as his actions have already clearly demonstrated) He knows that a family of 4 that is already incurring major costs to travel to the Bahamas would then be burdened with another $500-$700 worth of testing just to get here. He knows that visitors would cancel their travel and then it would be easy to blame the PLP for not reviving the tourism industry. He sat right on the back bench and didn't say a word when the last PM told us it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated and now he wants to press the panic button. go away dr. sands...the people have spoken and your constant fear mongering is no longer welcome.

immigrant says...

What did he expect to happen when he stopped giving any incentives for being vaccinated.