Comment history

immigrant says...

Done with this clown’s gloom and doom. He let people in when Bahamians were completely locked down and banned from traveling. He epitomizes “good for
thee but not for me.” He lost his status of privilege then. Shut up doc.

On Sands: A fourth wave could still hit country

Posted 3 November 2021, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

That is the nail in the coffin for restaurants. With vat and grat, you already tack on 27% to exorbitant dining/ restaurant costs. Now you expect customers to pay another $20 per head to do so... Remind me again what advantages people enjoy for getting the jab? New Day indeed.

On New rules for a ‘new reality’

Posted 2 November 2021, 8:18 a.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

And last week he went on a blitz saying that there are too many moderately ill people taking hospital beds that should be used for severely ill patients. Which one is it?

immigrant says...

Shame should have been easily convicted. He should just slink back into the shadows he came from and enjoy being a wealthy man thanks to the Bahamian purse and Carl Bethel's ineptitude.

On Gibson ‘still waiting’ over complaint

Posted 26 October 2021, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

And…upon further reflection, why did you wait until you no longer had to be a sycophant before you spoke this decisively. AND as Minister of Health, why didn’t you fight to bolster the facilities and qualified health care personnel. Shut up dude.

On Ex-minister: Economy ‘too open’ for COVID

Posted 13 October 2021, 7:11 p.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

Let some more rich people in while the rest of us are locked down and unable to leave our homes much less the country. You have shown your stripes and it is hard to take you seriously.

On Ex-minister: Economy ‘too open’ for COVID

Posted 13 October 2021, 7:08 p.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

Poorly written and clearly designed to spark outrage where there should be none… “didn’t need to budget for the extra cost of the test…” There is no mandate to get vaccinated, but there is a choice. With choices come consequences. Budget accordingly!

immigrant says...

When ya dumb, ya dangerous.

immigrant says...

Have a plan to rein in rogue jet skis or learn how to use that underwater drone because there will certainly be more to follow.

immigrant says...

Very sad indeed and prayers for the family. I have no idea the circumstances in this particular case, but we were just on Rose Island on Saturday and observed the jet skiers up and down the beach with no regard for swimmers or boat traffic. One of our passengers even remarked that it was a matter of time before they either killed a swimmer or themselves. It is every weekend...they show up like a swarm of mosquitos and know that there is nothing that will be done. They seem to delight in causing disruption. I pray this young man's family finds closure, and I really hope that this serves as an eye opener that the Bahamas needs to find a way to regulate those that want to be fools on the water. Alas...what am I saying...they can't even regulate these idiots on the streets...I guess Darwin's Law of Natural Selection will be the deciding factor.

On Man still missing after boat accident

Posted 14 July 2021, 6:16 a.m. Suggest removal