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immigrant says...

Are these people squatting on land that they do not own? Where is Bannister and his bulldozers? Oh yeah, different sets of rules for different people.

immigrant says...

"sort of failing?" If the rest of us did our jobs like anybody at BPL, we would not have jobs.

On Union’s challenge on BPL blackout

Posted 17 June 2021, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

This fool is trying to tax us to death...meanwhile the poor folk of Albany are still tax free while not even having to leave the compound to support the economy. The impoverished at Lyford Cay are paying a fraction of their real property taxes. Moron Sands...control your government's spending and then come talk to us about further taxation.

immigrant says...

Absolutely what Tribanon said...If Toby Smith is going to sign the lease and then enter into a partnership with Royal Caribbean (as the sip sip would have you believe) all of his "Bahamian rah rah" is bullocks. When looking at the possibility of a personal financial windfall, he'll sell out on those Bay Street merchants as quickly as Royal Caribbean.

immigrant says...

Anybody been to Potters Cay? Ain’t a toilet around. They piss and crap in a bucket. When the bucket is full they dump it right out the back door, and into the harbor that has no water flow because it has been blocked by all of the construction. Ten minutes later they send their lackey for the conch and they pull it straight out of the same water they just dumped their dung in. No wonder people are getting sick.

immigrant says...

wrong. "No clinics available"

immigrant says...

Why would I need the second if I don't want to take the vaccine? I was told by the lady at the end to schedule my 2nd dose. Go on the website and try to schedule a 2nd dose. It says "no clinics available" Check it out and if they are available, call me a liar. Otherwise, please try and conceal your ignorance.

immigrant says...

but no appointments available for 2nd jab...what the hell is the point of the first if you can't get the 2nd.

immigrant says...

Symptoms of illness include dry mouth, uncontrolled laughter, lethargy, bloodshot eyes and in some extreme cases, paranoia.

immigrant says...

This crap at Cabbage Beach has been going on for months. One could see why the competent authority closed the beaches...However, this once again begs the question, where were the police? Why was there no enforcement? Now these fools in gubment gonna whack us all with the same belt and blame the general population for not following protocol. Instead of those "Covid Patrol" cars with 4 officers in each one sitting at the bars, why don't they send them over to Cabbage Beach one Sunday and give everyone in violation of the emergency orders a hefty fine. Accountability...What a foreign concept.

On Forbes: We are on the brink of a third wave

Posted 30 March 2021, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal