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infoseeker says...

Madhatter. How can the child get a Hatian passport when her mother isn't even registered in Haiti as a Haitian. This child is only not Bahamian because her parents aren't married, simple as that. All other things remaining she would be Bahamian if her father married her mother. Nowhere else in the world this happens. And to Bogart, how do you know the Bahamian father hasn't"claimed" his children. The child has her father's last name. Him stepping up to the plate has nothing to do with the situation and will change nothing. Single Bahamian men have no rights and cannot pass on citizenship.

infoseeker says...

This child's father is a Bahamian, she should be also. The law is so messed up. She also cannot "Get a Haitian passport" Her mother doesn't even have a Haitian passport as she was born here and is not seen as Haitian in Haiti. Both of her parents have Bahamian passports and this child is unable to get one is beyond stupid. But this is the type of things most of us look at and say well too bad, but we're talking about a child's health. I know of children given passports to represent the Bahamas at Carifta and other international events even though they should have waited until 18. We grant these things when we see it as beneficial to us. Shame on us. Give this Bahamian child her passport.

infoseeker says...

I was just thinking the same thing. Anyone found doing this in this type of job should be fired, it's a health risk. Just nasty. Thanks for telling me this now I don't want to shop there anymore.

On Super Value ends staff ‘sex’ benefit

Posted 20 July 2018, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

infoseeker says...

All of social media knew?? Is that your argument. That won't hold up in court. The fact is both parties were probably negligent. But the government is at fault, simply because speeding doesn't mean automatic death. However, speeding into a military grade barrier that had no proper lighting or signage equals death. The government admitted to having some responsibility by placing speed bumps, reflectors and an actual sign at the western entrance which was not there previously. Had the government taken these precautionary measures there would be no reason to sue.

infoseeker says...

I think most people are missing the point here. It could very well be a poisonous/venomous snake, yes that's up for debate but the real issue is that for a country that imports so much we have no anti venom on the island. If by happenstance we accidentally got a poisonous snake here and a person is bitten there is no way to help that person.

On Did deadly snake kill her cat?

Posted 15 May 2018, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

infoseeker says...

This is a bit unclear to me did he win or did he come second

infoseeker says...

Everyone throws out the "D" average argument like everyone is supposed to do well in a school setting to be qualifies as a "smart" person. I am one who differs from this belief, as I know lots of "D" average people who were actually geniuses in their own right. A "D" average student can go on to become the best captain we have ever seen, I can attest to this as I know of a few very good pilots who were not very book smart in school but are masterful at their craft. We need to stop this painting everyone with the same brush kind of teaching and realize that everyone learns differently and can become anything they wish even with a D average, we are all good at something and we need to just figure out what that is. I wouldn't discourage any non performing students from going into certain fields, because it still boils down to proper training. Training is key in any and everything we do, "D" average people do just well driving cars don't they? If not we would have a whole lot more chaos on our streets.

On ‘Commodore, stop mashing our boats’

Posted 26 April 2018, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

infoseeker says...

That's because we only want to pay them 28K per annum.

On DNA: FNM is 'ill-prepared to govern'

Posted 8 November 2017, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

infoseeker says...

"Well you talk about the 20,000 to 30,000 children who are born in the country and have no status. Most countries laws state that children born out of wedlock take the nationality of their father. So given They already have the nationality of their fathers"
What kind of stupid are you, we are the opposite of most countries because as a man out of wedlock you take your mother's nationality here in the Bahamas, this is what they are correcting you JackA**

infoseeker says...

And just kill all the prison officers too I guess....

On Pupils threaten revenge attacks

Posted 20 October 2017, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal