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jackflash says...


Which one of you Comrades Red shirts turned the recording on saying 'Hubert is back'

in the bushes outside Tals bedroom window?

I thought that we were still running the 'dock recording'!

jackflash says...

Perhaps that is it?

Stem cell center on Cable Beach!!

jackflash says...


You make no sense at all.


jackflash says...

Could it be true that someone in the government tem got the contract to build Tal's famous and often talked about bridge???

jackflash says...

Bahamian Lawyer crooks.?

No way, really??

On Loretta: Retract or quit over Sarkis

Posted 10 August 2015, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

I heard that Baha Mar could not pass the fire code/inspection.

Not sure if true but was told that there are a number of bridges that pass over roads to get to various parts(buildings) that a fire truck can not pass under and the fire inspection failed because of it.

Again, I just heard it and while it came from a reputable source it is still just hearsay.

Does anyone know anything about this?

jackflash says...

Russian crew?

what about the Chinese crew that are still here??

jackflash says...

Don't worry, I hear that there is no bonefishing in Cuba, and the fish in Belize are as powerful so we are protected!!

jackflash says...

And what was it spent on?

Was any used to pay down our debt?

How much is this Stronger Bahamas campaign costing the tax payers?

Sorry - I was running on again....

jackflash says...

Butler's closed for many reasons, not the increase on minimum wage.

They had a very high power bill due to the nature of the business and the design of the building. They owed money to the power company, was shut off and ran on generators 24/7 for two years. Now the generators are burned out and he doesn't want to reinvest.

NOW The rumor is that the ' park and shop' downtown is closing after the back to school rush.

Port Lucaya is a mess and Peter Hunt is pulling out and putting a management team in place until he can unload it.

Freeport has never recovered from the Bend or Break speech and now Nassau and by extension the entier bahamas will not recover from the government handling of Baha Mar.

Maybe that is the plan so that the numbers boys can come to the rescue.

On Closure of Butler's Food World

Posted 6 August 2015, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal