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jamaicaproud says...

I love watching news from the Bahamas, its a break from my own trifling country.
Imagine News came out about overpayment of hundreds of millions and no one cares.
Unoo only care about 2 or 3 people who were granted citizenship.

I needs to get that citizenship it must be gold or diamond. KMT

jamaicaproud says...

Whether she is correct or not, I thought Embassy people were supposed to keep their noses publicly out of the affairs of the host nation.
Of course Female human rights is a must, however it seems to be s sensitive topic in the Commonwealth, Cause I guess.. Lemme leave that one alone.

jamaicaproud says...

Who is paying this Bain guy to destabilize the Commonwealth

jamaicaproud says...


jamaicaproud says...

Congratulations Ms Uibo, but unfortunately your child may be stateless.

jamaicaproud says...

Relax, get your BP down.

jamaicaproud says...

Brah keep Jamaica out of your mouth.
You dont want people, close your borders.
Any country that doesnt produce any food to feed itself is a s%%hole country.

jamaicaproud says...

Seems like this chat section could be full of Rapah bulls.Or domestic abusers. How something so clear can be subject to debate is beyond me.

jamaicaproud says...

Yes, I guess, but is that really true?
Based on population is probable Haiti could overrun Bahamas. Its unlikely Bahamians can overrun the US.

That being said, people like Bain are clowns, regardless of their country of origin.

Its just like Jamaica, our issues are not related to outsiders, but ourselves.

jamaicaproud says...

Ley me take you back to Jamaica in the 70's. You cannot have price controls with Government subsidy, which has to be paid for by increased taxation.
The price of goods at source are a variable, which means, if there is a price control and profits cannot be made, suppliers will simply not import and sell.

In a importation economy, it has to be free market. It will force people to think about consuming local or regional produce. Also cut your cloth according to your size. What you can't afford you don't buy