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jlcandu says...

I would. Just another opportunity for the PM to run his mouth. It's a travesty that his own party he leads doesn't support the principles behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s message. Can you say victimization?

On PM: 'Carry on Luther King's noble struggle'

Posted 28 August 2013, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Why are Bahamians so surprised with the blunders and ineptness of the current government? Weren't they voted in before? How short are voters' memories from within a month of being elected, the former Christie government has scandal after scandal?! I seem to remember when Fred Mitchell was in charge of Immigration before and there was a scandal surrounding Bahamian visas... What else could you possibly expect?

jlcandu says...

What, is Minister Wilchcombe actually admitting that his government's solution to the crime problem, Urban Renewal 2.0, is not working? Well, glory be!!! Why are we still spending precious dollars on a failed programme?

jlcandu says...

Once again the PLP is involved in another "scheme" -- thi one is only going to benefit Nygard and his investors. With all the other criticall issues affecting this country, like crime, jobs, etc., the government is wasting time and money discussing a project to benefit one of their backers. Backing away from the whole ineptness of the PLP, and also the moral and ethical issues of stem cell research, what will be the overall benefit to the Bahamas? How many jobs would this facility create -- maybe 100? And most of those jobs will go to non-Bahamians since I'm sure it will be argued that no qualified Bahamians will be able to fill the jobs (except maybe the receptionist and janitor). Also, will the average Bahamian benefit from stem cell treatment? I would say a resounding "no" since the cost of these "treatments" are well beyond the means of ordinary working Bahamians. So I ask -- why is this a priority for the PLP? As usual, it comes down to which politician is getting his kickback.....

"Kudos" to Hon. Loretta Butler-Turner for her "guts" in standing up to the cops in the House of Assembly yesterday!!!

jlcandu says...

As a government corporation, all honest Bahamians will admit that the Batelco's service sucked, the customer service hardly existed, and the only way you could get a telephone line was if "you knew somebody" in the company. Further, the company was ripping off cellular consumers for years by double-billing calls -- billing the sender and the receiver for the same call. Why in God's name would we want to return to that???
It is quite obvious that the PLP has a hidden agenda in pursuing the reacquiring majority ownership in BTC. It does not make any sense for a broke government to be engaged in this useless exercise when they are now enjoying bigger profits as a minority shareholder than when they owned the company. This is the PM's way to 1) create some of the 10,000 jobs he promised last year and 2) facilitate his PLP buddies to acquire the company for a "song" and reap all the benefits ... can you say "Blue Water"?