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jlcandu says...

Despite Mr. Miller's ethics and non-payment of electricity bills, he is the only politician that I can think of that actually is trying to do something with BEC in terms of getting costs under control. You can't blame him for what previous politicians stupidly agreed to with the union. Unions exist for the betterment of their members, not the company they work for.

The only solution to this big problem is to privatize BEC and abolish the union. Then the workers will actually have to work for a living and will have limited benefits like other companies in the private sector!!!

Keep up the good work, Mr. Miller!!!

On Union steps up row with Miller

Posted 6 November 2013, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

All I can say is "Duh"!!! This is the PLP folks -- the "all for me baby" gang. You voted for them -- you got them. God help the rest of us!!!

On Cash claims ‘PLP only’ job policy

Posted 3 October 2013, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

It's about time the Finlaysons get locked up!!! Every business venture they engage in are raped, pillaged, and left for dead with the employees, creditors, etc. penniless and owed large sums of money. Yet the government continues to approve deals for this family. I support all actions of the City Markets employees and encourage other members of the public (if possible) to boycott Super Value until justice is done.

On City Markets workers bid to jail Finlayson

Posted 2 October 2013, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Minister Dorsett, Stop blaming the opposition for this!! Jeff Lloyd radio programme yesterday played the telephone conversation of Mr. Porter of BPC, and he clearly stated that the referendum was off the table.

Bahamians are beginning to understand that this potential deal with BPC is only "sweet" for the company, and as usual, the average Bahamian will be left out to dry.

On Oil drilling vote is still planned

Posted 27 September 2013, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Most churches these days are big business and big money. Now if all the church leaders want to jump on the bandwagon to make Rev. Ellis richer, they are making the decision with their eyes wide open. It's up to the members if they will still blindly follow their pastor (and make him richer in the process).

On Ellis speaks on new church fellowship

Posted 27 September 2013, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Well done, Mr. Cash. My response is "Why would Bahamians be surprised at this inept government?" As their previous 5-year term under PM Christie, the PLP is clueless -- winning the election to get their hands on the money was their focus. Anybody who believed the diatribe about "putting Bahamians first" during the campaign, well, is just plain stupid. They lied before and they will continue to lie to the people. The only Bahamians that are "first" in this regime is the party faithful and those close to it.

God help us for the next 3+ years!!!

On YOUR SAY: Time for a Christie shuffle

Posted 24 September 2013, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

For God sake, you reap what you sow! Residents living in this area have voted for the same tired old politician all their lives -- got nothing, can't get nothing, and still continued to vote for him. You may not want anything for yourself, but shouldn't you want a better life for your children? If you want something different to happen, you need to do something different!!! Why aren't the residents storming to the MP's office or the House of Assembly? It's only the power of the people that can get the worthless politicians to actually do something.

And what about Urban Renewal 2.0 -- the PLP's answer to everything??!! If it's not working, the residents need to mobilize against the worthless MP. The squeaky wheel always get the grease!!!

On ‘That’s Bain Town for ya’

Posted 19 September 2013, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

I hope this big "pill" we now have to swallow will cure ignorance when voters go to the polls in the next 3 years.... In the words of a former FNM candidate, we've all been "bamboozled" with this poor excuse of a government.

I say Rodney Moncur for PM!!!

On ‘VAT will hurt businesses’

Posted 19 September 2013, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Mr. Gibson,

I enjoyed reading your comments about capital punishment -- I too support it. Unfortunately with the policitians sitting in the House of Assembly we've had to endure over the years, most have publicly stated that they do not agree with it and therefore will not have the law enforced as it should. A national debate -- I don't think the present government (as the last) has the intestinal fortitude to bring the debate in the House. And with our current PM, his approach is to basically pass the buck and propose a national referundum -- then turn around and state that the results are not binding (ie) can you say "gaming referundum"?

I too vividly remember the hanging in 1996 -- one of the quietest days of crime in this country. Who says hanging is not a deterrent to crime in this country??

My humble suggestion is to bring back the cat-o-nine tail, if death is not an acceptable punishment for our representatives. Life imprisonment is too easy for these criminals who have no respect for human life or their life for that matter. Use of this punishment starting with minor offences, such as robbery, or "causing harm", I think would reduce overall crime immediately. If more of these young criminals got a few lashes on their backs, they may think twice before trying to commit a crime again. The more serious the crime, the more lashes.

Until the House of Assembly representatives begin to represent their constituents instead of their party views, this issue will only be relegated to the back burner for infinity. It only takes one backbone to begin to make a change....

jlcandu says...

It's the fault of both women and men -- none of them take any reproductive responsibility. If men believe that women are "on the take", then why don't they carry around some protection? Don't expect these "females" as you call them to protect themselves!!! Grow up!!