Comment history

jlcandu says...

Mr. Gibson,

You should not be surprised with the flip-flopping of this PM -- he is driven by popular votes. Unfortunately when a microphone or camera is put in front of him, his verbal diarrhea comes out before he has the chance to think about what he is saying.

All the PM did in his last term as the former PM was talk and talk and talk and spend money without any accountability or anything to show for it, except maybe a few rich cronies and party supporters.

This is nothing new, and the voters knew what kind of PM they were going to get when they voted for his sorry butt this time. Promises is what the PM makes to get elected -- he demonstrated in his previous term that he couldn't keep any of his promises.

The only hope for this country is to vote this useless party out -- FIRED!!!

jlcandu says...

Who cares????? This is news????

On Police probe theft at PM's house

Posted 30 January 2014, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Wherever there is a high turnover of staff at an organization, this is an indication of less than satisfactory working conditions. With all the hype about converting COB into a university, there obviously is too much political interference which is preventing these presidents from fulfilling their contract obligations. They would prefer to leave than be frustrated by the political wannabes. Who wouldn't?? These individuals obviously are highly qualified and need to be left alone to do the job they were hired to do.

10 presidents in 16 years is a disgrace!!! The Board should hang their heads in shame!!!

jlcandu says...

Isn't the self-proclaimed sorry excuse of a programme "Urban Renewal 2.0" supposed to be the PLP's answer to crime??? Hit the ground running on Day 1 -- the PM running his mouth is the only thing that has been continuous from Day 1.

The PLP has no clue -- none -- how to solve this vexing crime problem. The PM is dilly-dallying from church to church, running his mouth.

The Police and the Defense Force know how to solve this problem, but the idiot politicians are scared to take any action due to loss of votes. When you are financed by drug dealers and other criminals to run your campaign, how the heck can you clamp down on crime when you are criminals yourself.

Shame on the PM and shame of this useless government!!!!

On PM scraps BTC meeting to focus on crime

Posted 30 December 2013, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Mr. Smith,

While what you are saying makes perfect sense and I agree with most of what you stated, you are missing the whole point. The majority of Bahamians don't vote for a "leader" who has vision -- they vote for whoever will slip them a few bucks on Voting Day. How else could the hapless and poor excuse of a leader Christie get re-elected after his first failed 5-year term.

The general populace votes along party lines. Yes, this country is destined for sinking into a bottomless pit, but the general population doesn't seem to care. And the politicians know it ....

The citizens of this country need a "wake up" call and I think VAT just may be it. When they go to the food store and realize they can't feed their family anymore, but have to line up at Social Services for hand-outs, maybe then they will realize that this government is useless. And that's a big maybe.... Only the good Lord can bail this country out now!!!

On Our country is crumbling

Posted 18 December 2013, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Please note that Bahamian currency is not traded on the international market and it has only been pegged to the USD locally. So devaluation cannot really happen.

I applaud the Coalition for trying to come up with alternatives to VAT because bottom line is that everyone will be affected by higher prices for food, fuel, and services. VAT is not a success story in any Caribbean country, and has only proved to make life extremely difficult for its citizens. The poor will still receive their benefits from the government. It's the rest of us whose standard of living will drastically drop.

Don't be fooled by the examples the government has published in the newspaper about VAT on goods -- they are dead wrong. The government is trying to make VAT a walk in the park and the cost of living will not go up. This hasn't happened in any other country with VAT!!! A couple of things you need to keep in mind -- the government is going to collect VAT on duty (ie) double taxation, and they assume that businesses will keep the same markup as pre-VAT. This cannot and will not happen. Despite the "cost" of items being imported into the Bahamas will be slightly lower, the operating costs of doing business remain the same (plus VAT will be added onto those costs). Obviously for a business to survive, it will have to increase its markup in order to still pay its operating costs and keep afloat. This means that prices for most goods will increase 8 to 10% minimum after VAT. And most services will increase 15%.

Please do the math before you start supporting this regressive tax!!!!

On Private sector unveils $304m new tax measures

Posted 17 December 2013, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Mr. Mitchell is a pompous a## and everybody in the Bahamas knows it. The fact that he thinks every negative comment about him is politically motivated shows that he is actually very ignorant.

The fact is Mr. Mitchell, that you represent a country and are spending the people's money. Therefore you are accountable to the people how you spend their money. Going around the world just to meet Dick and Jane is a poor excuse to explain your travels. In these hard economic times, you should be more mindful of how you spend the people's money (ie) pick and choose those meetings that must be attended to benefit the country, not your resume.

Believe it or not, there are other educated people living in this country and they don't appreciate being insulted by your sarcastic comments.

On Mitchell: Critics are 'politically motivated'

Posted 17 December 2013, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Well put!!!

On PM: I said no to the IMF over increased taxes

Posted 28 November 2013, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

If I was Leslie Miller, I'd resign as Chairman and tell the DPM & PM to go to hell!!!

jlcandu says...

Unfortunately too many of these "suckers" voted for the PLP and now ALL of us will suffer.

On Bahamian outrage on landfill 'deal'

Posted 7 November 2013, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal