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jlcandu says...

Amen, and I say Amen!!

jlcandu says...


The talking to the government has to stop -- they are only playing with the Coalition. The Coalition and the Bahamian people need to rally together and tell the government in no uncertain terms that we will not pay vat. Period. The business community will not collect it nor charge it.

Consumers need to stop paying their property taxes. Since the DPM admitted that they don't pay much attention to RPT and Halkitis stated that they will not prosecute people in properties that are occupied, then why should any Bahamian pay their RPT until the idiots in government actually pay theirs.

This fiddling around and pandering to the government is a waste of time. I say bring it in on if you dare. We as a people need to do what the Turks & Caicos people did -- protest the government and say a resounding, united "NO" to VAT.

On 'We will not be bullied on VAT'

Posted 4 March 2014, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Oh please -- who is the PM trying to fool!!!

RBC closed its branch at Lyford Cay and relocated by Old Fort Bay.

This guy is an idiot!! Anything to try to take credit for something he didn't do!!!

For the love of God, resign from office for the sake of the country!!!!

jlcandu says...

Just say No to VAT!!! This is sickening that the government wants to tax the poor for rich tax dodging criminals!!!

If they don't have the resources, etc. to collect RPT, how in God's name do they propose collecting VAT???

2017 can't come soon enough!!!

On $550m owed in property tax

Posted 28 February 2014, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Okay then, we agree that we need a Freedom of Information Act. The FNM drew up the legislation and the PLP refuses to pass it. The Citizens for a Better Bahamas are advocating for freedom of information.

I agree with your point about education. The problem is that the Scholarship Committee are politicos who grant scholarships to the party faithful. So the intelligent youth of this country who are not "correctly" politically aligned cannot get the education they deserve.

The only way to fix this problem is to vote out the idiots in charge. But until the electorate stops looking for freebee's to buy their vote on election day, this will not happen. So what are you going to do? Give up? The only way to reach the politicians is by numbers -- people in their constituencies letting their MP's know that they are doing a lousy job.

Once the politicians figure out that tens of thousands of voters are pissed off at them and will vote them out, they will start paying attention. The Coalition has over 6,000 petitioners and the CBB has over 4,000. The numbers are growing everyday. Be part of the solution or at least support those who are trying to make a positive change.

jlcandu says...

I disagree with JohnDoes. At least these "activists" have the guts to do something instead of give up and complain and do nothing.

If ordinary Bahamians sit back and relax and say the usual "there's nothing you can do", then you have nothing to complain about if this VAT comes to fruition. The activists are making a lot of headway since the government hasn't even tabled the legislation yet -- I think there is growing dissention in the ranks of the PLP and they are beginning to voice their opposition openly. The PLP is no longer a united force, and the younger MP's know that this will their last term in office if the VAT is implemented.

Why not sign a petition against the VAT instead of criticizing those who are actually doing something positive?

jlcandu says...

Mr. Halkitis,

I hope you enjoy the rest of your term as MP because with the verbal diarrhea you are spewing about VAT, this term will be your last in politics, EVER!!!

Before you start quoting statistics, you better be prepared to show them to the public. And you better do your homework before your boss the PM receives the report from yet another consultant about the effect of different tax regimes on the Bahamian economy (which of course you claim was already done).

With all of your brains and experience, you should know that you do not increase taxes in a recession -- yes we are still in a recession. Just drive through Mr. Christie's and Mr. Nottage's constituencies to take a look at how well you are managing the economy.

And guess what? You can't blame the FNM for your gross inadequacies in handling the economy. Your party said Mr. Ingraham caused the economy to be the way it was -- well you've been in office since 2012 -- what's your party's problem? Where's the 10,000 jobs that you lied about creating in your first year of office. The blame game has to stop and your party needs to pull up its bootstraps and start cutting all the fat and waste in the government. Then, and only then, can you ask the public to go into their pockets and pay more for running the country.

The VAT will destroy this country's economy -- slow growth (basic economic theory states that as prices increase, demand decreases -- Economics 101 - University of Waterloo), reduce demand for local goods & services, and job losses. You will not collect the taxes that you expect under VAT.

If any of you in office would have sat down like you initially agreed with ALL sectors of the economy to put VAT on the table for discussion (instead of just a few banks and a major hotel), you wouldn't be in this mess you are in now. Admit you all messed up, stop this madness, and work with the business community. And if VAT is better than sliced bread, release ALL information as well as the reduced customs duties rates to the public so that we, as intelligent human beings, can see what is so great about VAT. However I doubt this will happen because knowledge is power.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

On Payroll tax 'disastrous' for new jobs

Posted 21 February 2014, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...


Mr. Halkitis doesn't understand how the VAT works himself. Sales tax is a consumption tax that is only levied at the consumer. Sales tax is not paid between the manufacturer through the final vendor. The VAT is a punitive, multi-levied tax that is charged at each exchange of goods. The VAT however was meant for countries with a thriving manufacturing sector, not a services-oriented sector. This tax is the most regressive due to its complex record-keeping.

Income tax is a regressive tax because in almost every country the rich pay the least amount of tax and the middle class bear the brunt of most of the taxes paid. This is due to how the income tax act is written (by politicians, in most cases, rich politicians) and the laws allow various deductions and loopholes that only the rich can take advantage of and therefore pay much less tax than they should. Also income tax is very difficult to manage in terms of compliance, since each taxpayer must submit their return annually.

Please do not be fooled by these politicians. They are just repeating the rhetorice that the IMF has fed them. This VAT will increase the cost of living for everybody to the tune of price increases of 8 to 20% more. The average person can expect an annual tax bill of between $5,000 and $15,000 under VAT depending on your consumption.

Do your research!!! The PM has only admitted that they now are hiring a consultant to examine the impact of various tax scenarios on the Bahamas -- something which Halkitis claims was already done.

jlcandu says...


I quote you "Folks for the police they cannot report that, because it is essentially not a crime." I don't agree with you. If someone was stabbed, it is a crime. Period. Just because the victim does not register a former complaint does not negate that the crime occurred. Instead of classifying the crime as "attempted murder", I would surmise the police would classify the crime as causing harm. If someone is murdered, the victim obviously cannot report the crime because she or he is DEAD. It still is a crime!!!

I think there is a serious problem with how crime is being reported and we as the public need to insist on accountability. If the hospital is reporting all of these incidents, then the police are not being honest with the public. If the hospital is not passing on the paperwork to the police, then they need to own up on what the problem is.

A crime is a crime is a crime. Whether a victim decides to drop the charges doesn't mean a crime was not committed.

jlcandu says...

Please note that the HST (formerly the GST) in Canada is a goods & services tax. There is no reason why a sales tax has to be levied only on goods. Sales tax is used the world over as a consumption tax (U.S., Canada, Europe).

This argument of VAT being self-regulated is a bunch of crap. It is only going to regulated to the extent that the government of the day has a proper compliance unit that actually does it job and enforces ALL taxpayers to pay their fair share.

Sales tax is easy to implement, easy to understand, and easy to comply with. VAT is not.

On Payroll tax can generate $190m

Posted 30 January 2014, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal