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jlcandu says...

I voted F as well. As stated above, the PLP are leaderless and visionless and basically doing what they did in their last term of office: rape & pillage the Treasury.

On behalf of the more intelligent of the population to those who voted for these idiots: thanks for nothing, idiots!!! I just hope you gain a bit of sense before the next election!!!

God help us all.

jlcandu says...

Mr. Christie,

I suggest that you and Dr. Nottage, since most of the crime exists in YOUR constituencies, actually present yourself in walkabouts to talk to the residents of the areas your represent to get their feedback about crime and living conditions, etc. Maybe then you could devise a realistic and effective strategy to fight crime.

I wouldn't take your 20 bodyguards with you -- that might send the wrong message.

jlcandu says...

I don't have a problem with paying a payroll tax -- just as long as it comes with a commensurate benefit. If I have to pay 5% over $600.00 per week, then I should be able to claim an unemployment benefit greater than $300.00 per week -- who can survive on that anyway!!!!

On FNM deputy: I'd back payroll tax

Posted 29 April 2014, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

At least the ministers in the government of our neighbours to the south have some sense!!!!

jlcandu says...

Well put and agreed.

On Lady Pindling would not be a good choice

Posted 22 April 2014, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Congratulations!!! I'm currently trying to sell a triplex in order to pay off our mortgage and get off this cursed rock with my family.

Anybody want to buy a triplex? And yes, the property taxes have been paid!!

On Time for a new Parliament?

Posted 28 March 2014, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

I agree. There already is a PM's residence on Skyline Drive -- why hasn't Dame Marguerite gotten her eviction notice. She should be able to afford her own place since she is being paid $80,000/year from the state for doing absolutely nothing, a car, a driver, a butler and maid. Not to mention all the money LOP hid away in Swiss bank accounts.

Why do we need a new Parliament anyway? It's not as if anything actually gets accomplished there. All the MP's do is talk and talk ad nauseum .... hell they could do at the beach!!!

There are more pressing issues in this country that to build a new house for the PM. The PM needs to be on the telephone with the MD of BOB and the Mortgage Corporation to find out which Bahamians are being evicted from their homes and step in as Minister of Finance to see what he could personally do to help them, since their Mortgage Relief programme was just another broken promise never realized.

On Time for a new Parliament?

Posted 28 March 2014, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

If any of the PLP MP's were sharp, they would act on a "no confidence" vote in the House to get rid of Christie as leader.

There is no way to unseat Christie as leader with all the stalwart councillors he appointed over the years. The only way to rid him of leader is when he decides to step down.

The time is NOW to act, before the PM destroys what little left there is to salvage in this country.

jlcandu says...

Excuse me, but the issue is not saving someone's home from repossession -- the issue here at hand is the PM used his position as PM to influence the bank to not proceed on repossessing a home that Mr. Lightbourne did not pay the mortgage on for one reason or another.

This was not proper on the PM's part -- if he felt that bad for Lightbourne, he should have acted as a private citizen. This is a gross use of power and the PM should resign, since he does not know better. And MP Alfred Gray should also resign or be fired since he doesn't seem to know the difference either.

Who knows what other things the PM has used his position to thwart or impose his will upon institutions or persons. In any other country, he would have been forced to resign.

jlcandu says...

The Opposition and the people of this country should be screaming out for the PM's resignation as well as his band of merry men, since they obviously don't understand what "conflict of interest" means nor do they understand what "ethics" means.

Since this PM is clueless how to conduct himself or what the office of PM represents, he needs to do the right thing and resign. If not, the idiots in the House, in order to save face, need to have a "No Confidence" vote in the PM and remove him immediately before he does any further damage to this country and its reputation.