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jlcandu says...

Well said, Well_mudda-take-sic

I said it before and it bears repeating -- if the other PLP's in the House had any scruples, they would get together with the Opposition and have a vote of "No Confidence" for the PM. Sure, there isn't anyone better than Christie, but at least he could be forced out as leader. I would think that more level heads would prevail in trying to recoup the government and progress in a different direction that where we are headed now -- into an economic abyss!!!!

The older Christie gets, the more insane he becomes about his "power" as PM. Unfortunately the majority of the House members are kissing his backside so that they can keep raping the Treasury under his nose.

It is unfortunate in this country that politicians don't know when to retire or bow out of politics until they embarrass themselves in plain sight. The system here is broken and sadly no one is willing to fix it.

On BTC callback for Williams

Posted 11 June 2014, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Mr. Allen,

I disagree with you. This country had to endure the likes of LOP for over 20 years, which only led to corruption of the highest order. All elected officials should have term limits to ensure that power does not lead to endless corruption and waste, leaving the taxpayers at the mercy and whim of those elected officials.

In Canada and the UK, both Parliamentary democracies, the PM has a limit of 2 consecutive 5-year terms.

Quite frankly, if a PM cannot implement his vision for a country in less than 10 years, he needs to be fired anyway.

Despite Minnis' preoccupation with this issue during a budget debate, with this point I wholeheartedly agree.

On Minnis has to go

Posted 4 June 2014, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Mr. Halkitis,

If the PM meant to say that your party was considering reducing some customs duties as of January 1st, why didn't he just say that? Everybody listening to his long, protracted and full of crap budget speech interpreted his comments to mean just what he said -- that there would be no cuts in duties until the next budget year.

Get off your high horse and stop blaming this on the FNM. Anybody that was intelligent heard the same thing as the FNM. And in light of the foregoing, the "detractors" were exactly right about double-taxing Bahamians.

On Halkitis hits out at critics of Budget

Posted 3 June 2014, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

The men have frigged up this country enough for the last 40 years. I think it's time for a woman to clean it up!!!!

Go for it!!! Can't be any worse that Perry "Wutless" Christie....

On FNM deputy may go for leadership

Posted 3 June 2014, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Well put!!! Both Mr. Bowe and Mr. Myers have been far too chummy with the new VAT scenario. And to think that simply adding 7.5% to almost everything we buy isn't going to significantly impact the economy, you are both out to lunch.

You need to read the report by Oxford Economics -- waste of money!!! The only scenarios that were considered were VAT at 15%, VAT at 10%, and VAT at 7.5%, as well as a payroll tax of 6% and 12%. No other taxes were considered -- one has to ask the question why??? Also, please note that in the so-called scenario of VAT at 7.5%, Oxford assumes that the public service salaries & wages would be cut by 50% .... This means a massive reduction in the public service, which none of the Ministers or consultants in the Ministry of Finance say they will do "due to the economic consequences".

Therefore, the scenarios are based on the wrong assumptions!!!

And John Rolle has stated in The Tribune today that once implemented, the VAT rate would be increased shortly thereafter. So the 7.5% is only the beginning for the government to continue to tax the consumer to death until most Bahamians will not be able to eat or live in this country.

NO VAT, period.

jlcandu says...

Congratulations Tal,

I finally agree with something you said. The problem is that the offshore banking sector, which has billions of dollars of assets, will be untouched by VAT. The beleaguered consumer will "catch hell" in January when the cost of living will jump 10% since this idiot government is not going to reduce customs duties.

And guess what? Once this is passed into law, they can raise the rate anytime they need more money. So guess what? Next year this time, we will be paying 15 to 20% VAT.

God help us!!!

On New V.A.T. rate to be 7.5%

Posted 29 May 2014, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Oh please!! This coming from a PM who wanted to repatriate Batelco!!! Who is he trying to kid??

"Blue Water" will just have to wait a little more time before they can take over ..

jlcandu says...

Obviously the PM can neither do simple math nor lie well. Please look at the numbers people!!!

Total employed labour force increased by 1,340; total unemployed labour force increased by 3,335. Therefore total net unemployed is 1,995. Therefore unemployment increased by 1,995 people!!!

Idiots and liars, all of them!!! And they tried to befuddle and confuse by providing a lot of data.

Wake up Bahamians!!!

On 2,600 jobs added in two years - PM

Posted 29 May 2014, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Oh for God sakes!! All developed countries have term limits for their PM's/Presidents for 2 consecutive terms. Since the bastardized Westminster system this country follows, the part about limiting PM's terms seems to purposely omitted.

Any politician who can't accomplish their goals for the country in ten years is useless anyway and needs to be fired?? When are we finally going to get some intelligent, free-thinking, ethical candidates to represent the people, instead of Party? When hell freezes over, that's when!!!

This citizens of this country need to get off their lazy rumps and band together as people, not as political rivals or pawns. I say a coup the likes of Egypt is in order. What is it going to take for the people of this country to rise up and not accept mediocrity???? Instead of pointing fingers at the politicians, the voters need to blame themselves for voting in the same idiots term after term.

God help us all!!! Because it looks like the people in this country can't seem to help themselves....

jlcandu says...

If what BiminiHomeowner says is true, then I guess Biminites know what they need to do come 2017!!! Again, Mr. Wilchcombe has represented this island for how many years?? And what is his contribution?

God help Bimini!!

On Tourism minister plays down dredging

Posted 9 May 2014, 7:26 a.m. Suggest removal