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jlcandu says...

As usual, the PM is in Christieland and has no sense of reality. Idiot!!!

The State Department is merely reporting on actual results, not what this idiot government thinks in its mind what is going to happen. Clearly if you look at the long list of promises the PLP made during its campaign (can you all recall "governance from Day 1"), they haven't fulfilled any as far as I know.

People, since successive Bahamian governments have been dealing with China, this is now making the U.S. very uncomfortable ... That may be one of the many reasons they are listening in on cell phone conversations.....

Christie needs to go!!! And the sooner the better!!!

On PM 'puzzled' by US criticism

Posted 2 July 2014, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...


There is no way even if they manage to legalize the numbers houses that the owners will be able to conduct proper business operations. The banks here will not risk their reputation and credibility to accept "the proceeds of crime". The underground economy will have to continue in order for the numbers bosses to "launder" their profits.

Just because the government may say "okay it's legal now", all the prior years of illegal operation are still considered illegal. Since the only way the legalization can take place is to shut the numbers houses down, confiscate all assets and lock up the perpetrators, and then have new potential operators open up "new" numbers houses under the new legal framework, this legislation will never pass in Parliament. Christie and his fumbling bunch of idiots will never lock up the numbers bosses, so they will be dancing around the issue for the next 3 years.

On Webshop laws will be delayed

Posted 30 June 2014, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...


You have summarized what most intelligent Bahamians feel. Unfortunately these politicians continue to be re-elected for a few hundred dollars on voting day, and free drinks and food at rallies. The people who re-elect these idiots election after election have no desire to change this place. They like it just the way it is ...

God help us all!!!!

jlcandu says...


Nobody is denying this woman to collect her husband's pension as his widow. The problem is that she is being paid from the Treasury and like most other prominent PLP's, she doesn't pay her taxes. And, now she is being considered for a Governor-General position, an office that requires someone who is actually deserving of the post and has some semblance of integrity.

Mrs. Pindling lost her integrity by not paying the taxes for her multi-million dollar residence. With the salary that she is getting, she should have been able to at least pay something in 14 years!!!

Stop trying to make this an FNM issue -- it is a tax-cheating, tax-dodger issue and ALL MP's who haven't paid their taxes should be named and shamed in the newspaper. WE the public are paying for their salary and THEY want to shove more taxes down our throats. They need to be accountable to the people -- if they can't handle it, they shouldn't be in public office!!!

On Lady Pindling's tax bill paid in full

Posted 23 June 2014, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Amen!! You are so right!! I still would like to know what this woman did for this country over the 20+ years she was the PM's wife... All this admiring by her fellow PLP's, one has to wonder ... Can anyone answer this question with a succinct response???

On Lady Pindling's tax bill paid in full

Posted 23 June 2014, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

I've heard this nonsense before from PLP's claiming Mrs. Pindling "has done much for the Bahamas and its people". I in turn asked what exactly has she done -- besides being the former PM's wife.

So I ask you. What has she done? What are her accomplishments over the 20+ years she was the PM's wife? I'd like to know...


Posted 19 June 2014, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

I don't agree with you Tal. This woman is the supposed to be the next Governor-General. By now the news that she hasn't paid her taxes is in the international forum. She has no credibility.


Posted 19 June 2014, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Who cares what MP Gray "tow the party line" thinks? Nor does anyone give a damn if he runs again ...

Don't these idiots have anything better to do? Like fix the long list of problems in this country instead of speculating on idiocy???

God help us!!

On Gray warns of Ingraham return

Posted 16 June 2014, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

This coming from Mr. Mitchell, who blew his annual travel budget within the first few months of being in office!!! It's easy to complain when you are spending someone else's money!!!

Mr. Mitchell, now is not the time to be building a new Parliament OR PM's residence. Fix the crime problem, fix the poverty problem, fix the education system... There are more pressing matters in this country than YOUR working conditions, which YOU only show up very infrequently.

Of course, you can't expect anything better from someone who thinks that everyone who doesn't agree with him is an idiot. Must be a very small world for you, Mr. Mitchell.

jlcandu says...

Dilly Tree,

The service cannot get any better when the likes of Mr. Williams will be heading the company.

I predict in short order there will be a massive hiring back of the old "Batelco" guard, and a return to snarky employees and poor service will once again be the order of the day. And now that Cable Bahamas will be charging more for long distance calls (since URCA is allowing this to happen), we still don't have any choice in receiving decent telephone service.

God help us all!!!

On BTC callback for Williams

Posted 11 June 2014, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal