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jlcandu says...


Christie's legacy will be a broke, economically stagnant country with our tourism product in the dumper and most of the population either resorting back to a subsistence farming economy or reliant on the government for food, housing, etc.

The only jobs left will be the Mom & Pop shops and the government until it finally can't borrow any more money to pay public service salaries.

Thanks all to the stupid and greedy policies of the PM and his band of idiots. I hope the PM is ready for that!!

On VAT Bill to be tabled today

Posted 23 July 2014, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

So Bahamianpride, what are you going to do about it? Vote the same idiots in??

The problem is the electorate!! For a few dollars, a free t-shirt, and free food and drinks, they are willing to be bought to re-elect the same idiots who are keeping them down. Obviously you don't want any better. You can't keep doing the same things and expect a different result.

Bahamians need to become more vocal and be prepared to stand up for what you believe in. Why aren't there thousands of Bahamians on Rawson Square right now demonstrating against the VAT? Because they are lazy and stuck in mediocrity.

People need to stop complaining and DO something!!

On Pinder: My union will not join strike

Posted 23 July 2014, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Those statistics are like everything else in the PLP -- made up to look good. The DOS did a survey of households for a week and prepared their statistics based on the extrapolation of the survey. Therefore as any educated person would determine, these new statistics are bogus.

There is no way in hell that 8,000 jobs were created in an economy that is basically flat or growing at less than 1%. Also the unemployed work force actually increased from May 2012 in real numbers. And there is no way that over 5,000 "discouraged" workers found a job since November 2013 (ie) DOS does not classify discouraged workers as unemployed.

And they are trying to say these jobs were "created" in the private sector -- where?

The numbers don't make sense and don't add up. I am disappointed that the DOS is now playing politics.

On PM: I will learn from mistakes

Posted 22 July 2014, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

***But the fact of the matter is that’s got nothing to do with nothing, the Bahamas’ best interest must be served.”***

What the hell does that mean? This PM is an idiot of the highest order. To hell with the courts defending the country's environment -- it's all for the best of the country.

This is crap. Christie believes he is the king of the Bahamas and above the law. Someone needs to bring him back to reality.

All Bahamians need to support Save the Bays and other organizations that are fighting for the rights of ordinary Bahamians.

jlcandu says...

I'd like to know where all these jobs are? I presume most of the them are in the Public Service. Since the economy is growing at a rate of around 1%, there is no way in hell that unemployment dropped by 8,000 jobs (total unemployed persons at November 2013 was over 43,000).

I have a feeling this is more PLP creative accounting ...

The Department of Statistics needs to show where these so-called jobs were created in order to give some semblance of reliability.

jlcandu says...

Yeah, right. Never will happen with this government -- makes too much sense!!!!

VAT can't be implemented by Jan 1st -- that's less than 6 months! They are still in la-la land!!!

jlcandu says...

You are right! She is there and we as the populace cannot do a darn thing about it.

Just hope she is promptly replaced in 2017!!!

On Lady Pindling vows to unite the nation

Posted 9 July 2014, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Yeah, right. It all boils down to some crony didn't get their cut -- so the people have to suffer. AGAIN!!!

Shame on Frank Smith and shame on the PLP!!! Ingrates, all of them!

jlcandu says...


While I appreciate your summarizing the obvious ineptitude of this PLP government, I do not agree that HAI needs to come back to lead the FNM.

Yes, Mr. Ingraham is a strong character and could slam everyone in the PLP with his verbal vitriole. However, there has to be other younger individuals, if given an opportunity, to take the PLP down in the next election. The problem, as aptly stated, is that Minnis, Butler-Turner, and Cash are not a united front and allowing the PLP to run this country rough-shod.

I am praying that between now and the next convention that the decision-makers of the FNM will get off their butts and put forward a new strategy and leader who can take this country back from this worthless poor excuse for a government.

jlcandu says...

If the incompetence of this government is obvious to the U.S. Embassy stationed here, why can't the Bahamian voters who support this useless PLP party at every election see what is happening??

At last, an objective observer states the truth is no uncertain terms. No matter how they try to spin it, the truth is the truth.

The next question is: what are you, Joe Citizen, going to do about it?