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jlcandu says...

Ms. Cooper,

You are correct -- the PLP and I would daresay members of the FNM certainly are not concerned about the plight of women in this country and would rather maintain the status quo.

It is also unfortunate that the many women who have and still do hold positions in the House of Assembly have never abdicated to move the rights of women to the top of the government's agenda, but chose to follow the leader.

This referendum exercise is nothing but a distraction from the VAT and the Gaming Bill, and all the other poor excuse of governance that this PLP is operating under.

I doubt that the current PM will ever grow a backbone and actually do what is right instead of what is politically expedient for himself.

It truly is a sad state of affairs, and women of this country should be morally outraged at this government.

On PLP fails to act over referendum

Posted 9 September 2014, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Mr. Moss,

Please continue the fight -- you seem to be one of the few real men in the House of Assembly who actually cares about this country.

There are many of us who will continue to pray for you to have the strength and courage to continue your fight.

You have a lot of support. Don't cave to the bootlickers in the PLP!!!

jlcandu says...

Congratulations Mr. Smith!!! Keep up the good work!!!

jlcandu says...

Once again Birdie, your Gold Rush colours are standing out.
Please learn the English language -- the word is "past", not "pass".

I think it was the perfect time to bring up the victimization of the Pindlings -- both Perry Christie and Lady Marguerite were at the funeral and assisted in dragging Mr. Moxey and his family through the mud. Why did they attend the funeral? to be seen. If they cared so much for the man, why didn't they treat him like a human being when he was alive? Showing up at his funeral may allay their consciences, but what about the Moxey family? I think it was highly insulting to the family for them to attend.

I agree that Christie should have apologized to the family.

I hope Mrs. Pindling was listening and if was hurt, that's her problem.

jlcandu says...

I suppose she also supported Leslie Miller's comment when he said he used to beat his girlfriend because he loved her.

Melanie is a disgrace to all Bahamian females in this country.

jlcandu says...

Amen!!! You are so right!!!

On Bran claims PM told Wells to sign letter

Posted 6 August 2014, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Your Gold Rush colours are showing Birdiestrachan!!! You cannot defend the indefensible!!!! We do not need VAT!!! The reason why it is being shoved down our throats is because the governments of the day over the past 41 years have spent OUR money to benefit themselves and their families and lovers. Now the cookie jar is empty -- why?? Because they and their friends and cronies don't pay their bills/taxes.

Now they want to squeeze the rest of us to maintain THEIR status. I say "hell no"!!! VAT will bring this country's economy to its knees -- you included. And guess what? The rate will be increased to 15% come July next year!!! When you can no longer eat or pay your light bill, are you still going to defend VAT?

jlcandu says...

I disagree with Jackbnimble. These power outages happen every summer -- I've lived here for 21 years and every summer we have the same thing. Last summer however was a bit of improvement since the outages weren't as frequent.

Firing Leslie Miller will not stop the outages. BEC needs to be blown up and start over. The reason why we are being subjected to this "terrorism" over the last 41 years is because Frankie Wilson's company is supplying the diesel to BEC. Thus the governments of the day trying to generate electricity with crappy generators.

The only way to fix this problem is to privatise BEC (and not to the Sunshine Boys!) and move to the 21st century technology -- wind, solar, ocean. The technology is there -- we only need to have some representatives in the House who actually give a crap about the people they represent to actually do the right thing.

That'll never happen... I vote for a revolt!!

On HAVE YOUR SAY: BEC power cuts

Posted 29 July 2014, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...


The reason why none of these new technologies have been used is due to Frankie Wilson supplying all the diesel to BEC. I have realized that this PLP will not do anything unless Frankie Wilson or Bradley Roberts have a hand in it to make more money.

I say that someone needs to blow up the plant at Clifton and let's start over!!

jlcandu says...

Who do you think they are purchasing the fuel from? Frankie Wilson, of course. That is the main reason why they are dilly-dallying over this privatisation exercise -- Frankie won't be able to make all that money off the diesel, so they have to figure out another way for him to make the same money.

To hell with the consumers!!!