Comment history

jlcandu says...

You cannot blame the "young people" for their craziness when the so-called leaders of this country from Independence until now have shown nothing but acceptance of criminality and criminals. If young people don't have any mentors or role models that demonstrate positive behaviours, what could you expect of them?

This country has been sowing the seeds of criminality for over 40 years -- now it is reaping the effects. These "crazy young people" are only following the behaviours they have witnessed over these many years.

How do you arrest this trend?? Zero tolerance to crime and criminality, starting with the members of HOA, the police force, defence force, immigration officers ,etc.

jlcandu says...

So we can only conclude that Mr. Wells wasn't fired....

On Wells ordered to address nation over row

Posted 26 September 2014, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

This is what happens when you don't know the difference between your a#$ and a hole in the ground!!!!

On Debt blamed for possible delay of BEC reform

Posted 26 September 2014, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

This government is a joke and the PLP are only discussing this issue because they want the Bahamas to join the WTO -- the Bahamas is the only country in this hemisphere that does not have equality of sexes. And why is it that they approve of equal rights now and not when the FNM was in power?? What changed?? Don't be fooled by these idiots. This referendum will not be held before the next election.

jlcandu says...

This bill doesn't make any sense -- have you actually read it???

And it is bill-ducking people like you that make ripping off our National Insurance funds to prop up a useless bank because it is suffering losses cause people like you don't pay your bills.

Birdie, you have no credibility to speak on this issue.

jlcandu says...

It's called demonstrating for what is right -- I thought Bahamians had the right to gather together for peaceful demonstrations?? Or is that only when they agree with the government??

jlcandu says...

Governments are not appointed, they are elected by the people to represent the people. In the western hemisphere, we no longer have monarchies where kings and queens were appointed based on familiar ties.

And, what is even more reprehensible, is that this hapless government asked the people their wishes on this issue. Only PC and WN have the "authority" to vote "yes" on this bill since only their constituencies voted a majority for legalization of numbers houses. All the other MP's should have voted "no" according to the wishes of their constituents.

This government does not have the intestinal fortitude to go what is right -- shut them down, confiscate their assets and throw them in prison. Pass a suitable legislation and establish a National Lottery. Then open the doors for suitable applicants to sell lottery tickets.

This bill is a mockery to all that is good and sensible -- it is only to placate to a bunch of criminals and criminality.

jlcandu says...


Just so you know -- the legislation has already built in giving the power to "the Minister" (read Obie Wilchcombe) has the power to pardon any applicant's previous criminal record or activities prior to applying for a license.

jlcandu says...

I'm sure that Dr. Rollins does express the sentiments of his constituents, unlike the rest of the idiots in the HOA (ie) referendum resulting in a "no" vote.

None of the PLP's expressed their constituents' sentiments when they voted "yes" to this piece of crap called the Gaming Bill. They are only expressing the party line as demanded from their leader, who has no credibility on this issue.

Mr. Wilchcombe has no business criticizing Dr. Rollins for expressing his opinion on this issue. At least he has one.

jlcandu says...


The fact that the numbers houses have had gambling activities operating under the misnomer of "web shops" without a casino license means that they have been breaking the law of the Bahamas since they opened. All the profits they earned are proceeds of crime.

Stop being an idiot!!! Open your eyes and stop looking through your gold rush coloured glasses!!!