Comment history

jlcandu says...

Birdie, Before you add any more PLP spin on this, Ingraham turned down this project when Izmirlian first introduced it to him when he was PM. It was your dumb a## PM Christie who started this whole train-wreck project off the ground, and selling the land to Izmirlian instead of the buildings ONLY like all the intelligent PM's before him. And, it's only because YOUR PM was dancing around like a fool that he never concluded the deal with Izmirlian. Ingraham was left holding the bag since Christie lost the election. And if it wasn't for Ingraham, Christie would have been ousted from his own home!!! So stop talking crap and wake up to the real facts, Birdie!!! YOUR PM screwed up big time by dilly-dallying and not doing his flippin' job!!! He's supposed to be the Minister of Finance for God's sake!!!

jlcandu says...

Excuse me, Birdie. But not all of us are as fortunate as you to not pay our loans because of our political persuasion. Some people may have to walk to the wash house because they can't afford a car, and the ease of buying detergent instead of carrying it only makes sense. Mr. D'Aguilar is a businessman and is in business to make a profit to provide jobs for all of you idiot PLP's as well as others. Since you are so good at providing advice on how to save money, why can't you pay off your BOB loan.

jlcandu says...

Well done, and sadly true. This country is on a slippery slope down the toilet and there doesn't seem to be any force willing or able to stop it. God help us!!!

On The problems of The Bahamas

Posted 13 May 2015, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Too little, and too late. Especially after the publicity stunt organized by the PLP at the Town meeting of same.

The AG is only playing lip service since she was probably "told" to apologize by her "boss".

This whole affair is disgraceful and the MP's attending the meeting of apology all need to be fired immediately!! They have displayed their total incompetence and disregard for the people. If they were employed in the private sector, they would have fired.

jlcandu says...


Sadly some of which you say is true. But I can assure you that there are many women in this country who are not common "ho's" and would like to be treated equally.

It is the right and decent thing to do. Don't blame the decent women for the actions of the lousy.

On VIEW FROM AFAR: Equality for all

Posted 4 May 2015, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Lies, lies and more lies!!! I don't know why these idiots continue to lie to the people. The reason why they all voted "no" was because the WHIP was on and they were all told to vote "no", so that this lousy, good-for-nothing poor excuse of a governing party could continue to hide the truth from Bahamians!!!! All the MP's who voted "no" should be ashamed of themselves and apologize to the Bahamian people on bended knee!!! This is beyond disgraceful and reprehensible!!!

On MPs: Why we voted no to Rubis probe

Posted 1 May 2015, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

It truly is amazing that the Minister of Environment, Mr. Kenred Dorsett, is so silent on this issue. He likes to run his mouth when he wants to blame something on the FNM -- I suppose this is HAI's fault as well!!

This whole debacle shows the total incompetence and lack of concern for Bahamians and their health. Everyone who was involved in this issue should be fired forthwith!!!!

On No health tests after oil spill

Posted 20 April 2015, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Thanks for writing the truth instead of the verbal diarrhea coming from FNM_Retards and Birdie.
At least the FNM is taking a stand for what they believe in, unlike most of the PLP's in this country who try to justify the unjustifiable.

On FNM demand Gray is removed from Cabinet

Posted 17 April 2015, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Fortunately, most of the young people of today are informed and more savvy than the old political stalwarts. COB students got a good taste of this poor excuse for a PM and will know exactly what to do in 2017!!!

jlcandu says...

Birdie, Blood may be thicker than water, but there is a saying that says "you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family". Just because the arsonist happens to be a relative of Dr. Minnis does NOT mean that the FNM was behind this -- where is your proof??

You know, but you won't admit, that the PLP messed up big time on BAMSI and the contract was awarded ONLY because of Mr. Hanna's relationship with Mr. Davis. Stop being ignorant!!!

BAMSI will only be a success by accident, not by the concerted efforts of these idiot PLP politicians and cronies. If it is so successful, why didn't the workers get paid???? This whole project is a disgrace and the PM, DPM and Minister Gray should all hold their heads in shame and apologize to the Bahamian people. AND, someone should be held accountable for this gross derelict of duty.