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jlcandu says...

For the love of God, Birdie, please come off your Gold Rush mountain and come down to the level where all of us reside. Your PM is spineless and never has a word to say when controversy and slackness are revealed about his ministers or party. The same thing happened with VAT -- instead of being a man and participating in the debate and vote for VAT, he was in Las Vegas celebrating his birthday. Don't you see a pattern here??? It's people like you that have the rest of this country suffering because you blindly keep these idiots in power to try and run this country and have failed miserably. By the way, have you paid your BOB loan yet??

jlcandu says...


Once again you are missing the point.

BAMSI may be a vision of the PM, but it now has no credibility. University of the Bahamas?? I've been here for 22 years and I've heard the same thing from both governments -- to make COB into a university. I'll believe it when I see it!!! Legalise web shops was NOT the right thing to do -- YOUR PM was supposed to listen to the wishes of the people to deepen democracy, but changed his mind when the so-called referendum (opinion poll) didn't turn out the way he wanted. He's been waffling every since and decided to do what he wanted to do in the first place as pay back for campaign contributions. VAT is NOT necessary. If all of you tax dodgers and bill payers in the PLP would just pay your bills like you are supposed to, we wouldn't need VAT.

Birdie, you really need to take off those Gold Rush glasses and see the world the way it actually is....

jlcandu says...

General Crazy,

Relax yourself!!! We all know you hate the FNM, but the point Minnis brings up is valid, especially when the contract was awarded to the DPM's campaign general. There never was any insurance, and there never was going to be any insurance. They got caught and now it will be swept under the rug like all other controversies with the PLP. These idiots in the HOA need to hang their heads in shame for their childish and irresponsible behaviour, especially wasting taxpayers' money and then shoving more taxes down our throats.

Both the PM and DPM should tender their resignations because they obviously are incapable of doing the jobs!!!

jlcandu says...

Promises, promises and more promises!!! For the love of God, stop making baseless and insincere promises to the electorate!!! Mr. PM, you have no intention of raising the minimum wage, so please do us all a favour -- retire immediately!!!!

It would be nice to have some representatives who actually live in the Bahamas the rest of us do!!!

On Minimum wage is 'not enough' says Christie

Posted 16 February 2015, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

This PM is an IDIOT!!! It doesn't matter how PGC tries to spin the numbers, the unemployment rate increased. This means there are more people out of job from the last survey.

Stop patting yourself on the back loser!!! What are you going to say when another 3,000 to 4,000 children graduate from school in June and try to join the labour force???? Baha Mar will not bail your sorry ass out of this one!!! The unemployment rate will remain the same.

Get off you sorry lazy butts and do something constructive, like provide incentives for local businesses (ie) tax cuts, so that they could hire more people!!!

jlcandu says...

I guess the Chinese company wasn't playing ball with the government -- and they probably have heard the disaster that BEC is.

I am surprised and perplexed why this PLP government is so concerned about the integrity of this US company. Since when do they give a crap about that!!! This is just another delay tactic. Since this company is publicly traded, how could the President ensure the company's integrity???? This doesn't make any sense and is more BS by the PLP. Hook up the floating power plant and stop making excuses.

jlcandu says...

Once again the PM proves he is living in another reality other than 2015 Bahamas. This bank should have been closed and the MD along with his management team should have been fired long ago. If this bank was not majority owned by the government, the Central Bank would have insisted it to be closed.

The PM only talked about the growth of assets in the bank, but failed to mention the liabilities. This useless bank had to be bailed out twice by the PM using the people's money, (ie) national insurance contributions, without our permission. This is scandalous!!!

There is no heinous and hidden agenda of the FNM. Like most thinking Bahamians, we want answers since the PM is using our money for this bank on the brink of closure.

Do the Bahamas a favour Mr. PM and retire ASAP!!!!

Hey Birdie!!! Did you pay off your loan yet????

On PM defends bank chief

Posted 22 January 2015, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Birdie, In true form, you never disappoint. You missed the point of Mr. Gibson's article, which is not surprising. Doesn't matter what country your PM went begging to. The fact is he was begging; and while on bended knee, the country, in this case China, can ask for whatever it wants in return. I'm sure the people in Africa thought the same thing as you do when they allowed the Chinese to invest in their country....

With the xenophobia of PLP's of everything that is not black and PLP, I would like to hear your comments when the Chinese will own most of the businesses, banks and land in this country. You will have to work for them, borrow from them, and buy land from them. Ask your PM this question: if he can lease 50,000 acres of land to the Chinese to produce food to export to China, why can't he lease land to Bahamians to do the same thing???? I thought he believed in Bahamians, or was that only to create farmhand jobs for Bahamians?

Get a life Birdie, and wake up to what is happening around you. This PLP has your head swung!!!

jlcandu says...

Mr. Christie,

Yes the FNM has motives behind the demonstration -- they want answers!!!! Who are these privileged persons who are yet to be disclosed that owe over $100m??? The people deserve to know since you are using National Insurance money, the people's money, money which is supposed to be held in trust for US the contributors, not to bail out a mismanaged bank which gives away money to cronies and others who have no intention of paying it back!!! Stop being an idiot and apologize for mishandling the affairs of BOB to the Bahamian people!!! And while you are at it, explain how you are going to replace OUR money at NIB!!!

On ‘FNM has motive for BOB alarm’

Posted 15 January 2015, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

I don't believe this!!! Why would someone get fired for that?? And, why would he sign something he knows he wasn't authorized to sign??? Something still stinks about this and we still don't know the whole truth. This doesn't make any sense!!!!

On Renward Wells: Why I signed letter of intent

Posted 15 January 2015, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal