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jlcandu says...

VAT may be so-called first-world tax system, but these countries also have first world compliance and systems. In this country, we do not have a robust manufacturing sector, which most if not all first world countries have. Tacking on a markup to the products you sell does NOT add value, as this idiot government is trying to sell to the masses. In this country, we buy items and then sell them. There is NO added value!!!

This is a glaring example of how a country tries to implement a tax system that they don't understand and is poorly suited for the economy in which we live.

On Gov’t agencies at odds on VAT

Posted 13 January 2015, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Mr. Halkitis,

You are being very disingenuous. The reason why the FNM didn't have much to say with the VAT legislation before it was passed was because you only allowed ONE DAY for debate for the complicated tax and you limited the time members were allowed to make a contribution, in order to pass the law in the middle of the night like the cowards you all are.

I don't know what planet you live on, but VAT did not roll out smoothly since YOUR staff at the Ministry of Finance respond to questions differently on the same issue, depending on who you ask. Your staff are NOT well trained since you sent out changes to the legislation on Christmas Eve, the 11th hour. Now that some people have had a chance to digest this punitive tax implications, there are many, many concerns that have arisen.

Yes, I agree the public needs an honest discussion -- when is your lousy party going to start??? Your Minister of Finance was too cowardly even to be present at the VAT legislation debate since he was too busy celebrating his birthday out of the country!!! Stop talking foolishness and bring your ego down to Earth where the rest of us have to survive.

jlcandu says...

Mr. PM,

You certainly never disappoint with your rantings and ravings about yourself. Most people in the working world that have reached your age have retired by now, and let younger and more energetic persons to carry on the job. Since when do you need a compelling reason to stay on as leader??? You promised on the campaign trail (with so many promises, I guess it's hard to keep track, especially at your age!!) that you would be leaving office mid-term. Your deputy was then to take over the reins from you.

You are a typical Caribbean politician -- a hanger-on who doesn't know when it's time to go. I guess listening to your advisor, who also happens to have one foot in the grave, has the gotten the better of you. You obviously do not hear the cries and suffering of the people in this country, not to mention the people in your own constituency.

Do this country a big favour -- retire as soon as possible!!!

jlcandu says...

Well done. This government continues to prove that it is more interested in itself and its cronies than the country and the Bahamian people. It is a shame that efforts cannot be placed in promoting our own unique culture instead of trying to change what we have to suit what government perceives that visitors want.

Tourism in this country has taken a huge nosedive in terms of quality of service and attractions. The government needs to concentrate on improving what is already in place instead of wasting money on ideas and ventures that may or may not be successful.

Keep up the good reporting!!!

jlcandu says...


You never disappoint. VAT will increase the cost of living for everybody -- VAT on electricity, water, telephone, cable, doctor visits, gasoline, etc. These expenses were not taxable before, thus increasing the cost of living immediately by over 7.5%. The sky may not fall, but a lot of people will suffer heart attacks in January when they realize what this punitive and regressive tax will do to their disposable income.

Doom and gloom is all there is with VAT. Thanks to your lousy Gold Rush government.

On AML boss: ‘Sky not falling’ over VAT

Posted 24 December 2014, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Dr. Rollins, Do a Ryan Pinder and jump off the sinking SS PLP!!! You are better than them!!!

jlcandu says...

Is there any wonder why crime is so high with asinine comments made by the likes of the Minister for State for National Security??? Face it people -- this country is a conflict zone and we are only better than Haiti. Wake up!!! The PLP wants to continue this chaotic state so that the lawyers sitting in the HOA can continue to make money. Plus the population will be so focused on the violence that the Members of the HOA can do as they please and continue to raid the cookie jar!!! If they wanted to fix the problem, they would do everything in their power to solve it.

jlcandu says...

Yeah, excuses, excuses and more excuses. Fix the problems and stop making excuses.

jlcandu says...

Hey didn't Birdie write in to say he/she had a loan at BOB as well and wasn't planning on paying it either?!

Welcome to the Gold Rush!!!

jlcandu says...

The PLP will win the next election because the anti-PLP vote will be split between the DNA & the FNM. These PLP stalwart councillors with one foot in the grave need to wake up and smell the coffee -- the world does not begin and end with PGC!!!