Comment history

joeblow says...

... does the writer not know that the comments about Centerville apply to the entire Bahamas??

On Centreville community deteriorating

Posted 23 January 2024, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... the crime issue in our country is a result of one thing and one thing only, poor parenting. It is parents who have the responsibility of teaching children how to behave. People confuse having the ability to reproduce with readiness for parenting. Sensible parents teach their children right from wrong, discipline them and encourage them to make something of themselves. One cannot teach what they have not learned and 70 % of people having children in this country have no moral training, lack the ability to exercise self control and do not have the financial means to take care of their responsibilities. Broken homes will more often than not produce broken individuals. It is in an environment of proper supervision, loving correction and learning to take personal responsibility that people learn respect for self and others. Most children are abused by their ignorant parents verbally, emotionally and physically before they can walk! We are reaping what we have sown by abandoning fundamental biblical moral values, respect for authority and learning to exercise self control and no government mandate can change that now!

joeblow says...

... it does not matter how much money government takes in in taxes if they do not practice sound fiscal principles and stop wasting taxpayer money on nonsense and use VAT for its intended purpose -- to pay down the national debt!!

joeblow says...

... crime is rooted in an individual decision to act contrary to the law. At its very heart it is a moral issue. When a moral foundation is removed from society and people do as they please, lawlessness will result. Nothing will change until we enforce existing laws without fear or favor and then determine to be more morally disciplined.

Broken homes produce broken individuals, so why are we surprised that we are reaping what we have sown when 70% of children are born into single parent homes where there is little love, affection and moral training?

On EDITORIAL: What is the plan to tackle crime?

Posted 12 January 2024, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... the family is the foundation of a community and 70%+ of "families" in this country are headed by single parent ignoramuses.

The individual is the foundation of the family, raised by people who do not understand concepts of love, responsibility and community.

When families fail to produce individuals that respect themselves, others and the laws of the community they live in, lawlessness is the natural result. Its not hard. We must enforce current laws, while educating people on the dangers of being ignorant and having children they do not have the maturity, emotional capacity or finances to support. Then, things might change in 20 years!

On Search for solutions on crime

Posted 12 January 2024, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... huge difference between dying from covid and dying with it. Its far easier to say its the former, because that requires very little effort!

On ‘No mask mandate’ as COVID cases rise

Posted 12 January 2024, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... even at the height of covid, 90% of infected people had no symptoms, so there is a huge difference between having the infection and it being the cause of your symptoms. Especially in flu season when other kinds of viruses are around! With Duane Sands involved, this likely has more to do with political science than medical science!

joeblow says...

... healthy young people dropping down since the covid jab is now common place! And to think, governments forced it upon people! Glad I never took it!

joeblow says...

... I have no faith in the leadership of the Ministry of Health or the good PM. Covid as a killer infection is over, but covid as a money maker is still going strong!. Stop the fearmongering!

On ‘No mask mandate’ as COVID cases rise

Posted 11 January 2024, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... seems like an internal issue not fit for publishing in a national paper!

On Concerned with Mount Tabor pulpit

Posted 9 January 2024, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal