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john33xyz says...

What's going to happen to that 70 foot captured fishing vessel? Will it be sold by our government and the money used to finally buy some fuel for our defense force vessels which are eternally without fuel????????????????

Would the tribune be kind enough to follow-up on what happens to that vessel? I think it will be very interesting eventually to learn that it was allowed to return unimpeded back to Dominican.

On Fishermen 'pushed over the edge' by poachers

Posted 21 December 2013, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

So, finally the real price for our "FREE" stadium comes to light. Uhm. Don't drop the soap.

On Visa-free travel deal with China 'tremendous'

Posted 21 December 2013, 8:26 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

I don't care if anybody on earth eats dog meat or cat meat or any kind of meat - that's their taste buds. however - every other point that you make is exactly correct.

On Visa-free travel deal with China 'tremendous'

Posted 21 December 2013, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

Mr. Martelly will keep talking and talking and talking. The Government of the Bahamas simply does not realize that we are at WAR with Haiti. It is an undeclared war by them on us. They have sent forward an invasion force - who are making excellent progress toward their goals. Meanwhile, the "enemy" (us) simply do not even know we are at war and under attack.

But, ignorance is bliss. Anybody got any crack conch? Let's go have a Junkanoo in the new stadium.

On Haiti work agreement to be resurrected

Posted 21 December 2013, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

So are the hotels now going to change all the restaurant bills from saying "A 15% gratuity has been added for your convenience" - to (in July) say "A 15% VAT Tax has been added for your convenience" ??????????????

On Hotels unanimous on 'unsuccessful' VAT

Posted 21 December 2013, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

Yes, there are choices. But the Law in the Bahamas is not Pro-Choice. Abortion is illegal. So women are FORCED to bear children that they cannot afford to feed, and who grow up to search for jobs that don't exist. I won't even get into what they have to do to support their children. Hey, nobody wants to talk about that.

But, heck, go ahead and devalue the dollar. Within 5 years our parliament building will be burned down and our new capitol city will be in Port au Prince.

On VAT alternatives

Posted 21 December 2013, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

Wow, Mr. Evans - coming from someone who lives in a country once oppressed by slavery - where black folks had "no rights" - it is just hard to believe you would take a stand against "other" people having rights.

Anyway, what goes around comes around - they say. Perhaps one day, some attribute of your lifestyle and beliefs (no matter how peachy they may seem today) - will be on the chopping block and scorned at by the majority. Hopefully someone will come to your aid at that time.

Good luck with that.

On Mitchell wrong to support gay rights

Posted 21 December 2013, 7:55 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

Yes, they "could face numerous charges" as the article says.

Then again, they could not.

Probably depends on how much money they have access to.

Time will tell (if the papers are allowed to report a follow-up story to this.)

john33xyz says...

Wow, I wish she was concerned about "distasteful acts" back when she was the Minister responsible for the prison.

john33xyz says...

Unless you can get the Christian Council to order their member churches (and advise non-member churches) to donate 10% of what comes in the plate to a private group (authorized by the Min of Educ) to perform maintenance repair work and add additional lighting, and basketball nets, and softball field lights and pay for evening security guards - etc etc. Then we are wasting our time.

If the church is not willing to get behind such a campaign (and not just talk but give some of their endless supply of money) - then it will fail.

On Christie: We have the answer to crime

Posted 19 December 2013, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal