Comment history

jt says...

This sounds amazing…safe public green spaces for sure, I can’t even imagine this in Nassau…

jt says...

Hi - the current mpox clade is not most lethal among gay men or any adults at all but is killing children. A cursory google would tell you that, but you’d rather spread misinformation and demonise gays.

jt says...

It was a reference to the Feast of Dionysis - not a Christian painting like the Last Supper, which is Italian.

Some things are not for everyone. That’s okay.

If your delicate sensibilities were upset and this ruined your ability to watch a televised sports competition, then I suggest you stay home as the outside world contains many things you’ll find overly harsh.

Believe it or not, this French parade of people exercising their artistic freedom wasn’t about you.

On Olympic opening was anti-Christian

Posted 1 August 2024, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Maybe read the article before spewing uninformed nonsense next time.

jt says...

The pope? Nobody cares what this fossil in a dress thinks.

On Pope is not follower of Jesus Christ

Posted 6 January 2024, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Shark teeth change daily, they are produced on a system like conveyor belts.

I hear what you’re saying but it is a pretty far reach to track individual shark dentition in a country incapable of even keeping the power on.

On BHS calls for end to ‘chumming’ practices

Posted 11 December 2023, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...


On The Bahamas going to join the cannabis club?

Posted 5 February 2023, 12:19 a.m. Suggest removal

jt says...


On Fatal shark attack off Green Cay

Posted 12 September 2022, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Wtf is this nonsense? Nobody’s seeking special treatment, just equal treatment. Why would the heterosexual community be mentioned as it’s implicit that this is the vast majority of people in question? If the heterosexual community was in danger by simply existing they might merit special mention.

Mr. Evans, if you don’t see heterosexuals “flaunting their sexuality” in public you must never leave your house. I’m sure two men holding hands for you counts as “flaunting sexuality”, an act that can get people beaten or killed here. This is where the need arises to protect a persecuted minority.

Also, there is no such thing as “reverse sexual orientation discrimination” just as there is no reverse racism, it’s just discrimination and racism. Hopefully the underrepresented straight people will be able to hold hands and socialise safely in public without fear of retribution from your imaginary gay agenda.

jt says...

You can’t say this. Nobody can. Fentanyl and cocaine are two radically different classes of drugs, one a stimulant and the other an opioid. “40x more powerful” is utter garbage. Fentanyl on its own is incredibly potent for a cocaine user or anyone without an opiate/opioid drug habit.…
