Comment history

jt says...

I hope a lot of people read this and understand the assault on scientific research underway in this country.

jt says...

Why foul this up with facts?

On EDITORIAL: Booster shots are to be welcomed

Posted 23 November 2021, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Thank you. Finally a doctor weighs in who truly understands the development of life-saving ventilators as a weapon to further white supremacy.

Do you even read what you write? I think your knobs need adjusting.

jt says...

Oh wow. “False Gods?” What proves yours real?

On Landed in The Bahamas

Posted 29 October 2021, 9:05 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Cancer’s not contagious, moron. This is a false comparison. My grandfather won’t die because you chose not to treat your polyps for free.

On UB faculty demands COVID policy rethink

Posted 3 September 2021, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

There’s nothing wrong with the conch itself, it’s the harbour. The big rain we had the other day pushed all kinds of contaminated wastewater into the harbour, where the conch are stored and rinsed. This happens at the start of the rainy season every single year. Cooking the conch, btw, makes it perfectly safe to consume.

jt says...

There’s nothing wrong with the conch itself, it’s the harbour. The big rain we had the other day pushed all kinds of contaminated wastewater into the harbour, where the conch are stored and rinsed. This happens at the start of the rainy season every single year.

jt says...

On Open letter to the PM

Posted 5 April 2021, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Hospitals in Greece, Egypt and Persia predate this by far. It is ludicrous to say that Christians invented healthcare. Can you un-read something? This is monumentally dumb. Keep my medical advice out of the hands of the Christian Council, please.

On Christian Council

Posted 27 March 2021, 11:24 p.m. Suggest removal