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jt says...

You think washing clothes with bleach will “keep the symptoms milder”? How boy. That’s not how any of this works.

The bleach breaks down organic matter, and hopefully any virus present, into pieces. Hopefully these pieces are too damaged to be contagious any more. Should any survive laundry, the symptoms depend entirely on two variables: the particular strain of the virus, and the heath of the person infected. You can’t “bleach the virus nicer”.

jt says...

I thought you said “legibly readable”.

jt says...

Just take a step back. You’re citing Facebook as a reputable source of medical information. Wow.

jt says...

Explain to me how people dressing and performing in a way that both brings them joy and a career is delusional? Everybody from priests and judges to clowns and sports players does this. It has no bearing on your life whatsoever, why are you so bigoted?

jt says...

You think marijuana, one of the world’s most widely used recreational drugs, makes you insane? Please, tell us more...

jt says...

I couldn’t have written this any better.

jt says...

“Peaking” behind the curtains? Does anyone read these articles before they get published?

I’ll take a case of mild dementia over the current rotten tangerine any day of the week.

jt says...

If you are referring to Hurricane Dorian as ‘one lil piece of wind’, you’re an idiot. That was a 185 mph storm that tied for the strongest recorded in the Atlantic in known history.

That is the equivalent of an F-3 tornado that tore through Abaco and lingered over Grand Bahama for two days. The storm surge topped 21 feet. Abaco will never be the same.

jt says...

A great writeup, but *populace.

jt says...

Good article, thanks Ms. Wallace.