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jujutreeclub says...

Someone ain get what they wanted from this government. Watch this up until election day. Probably wanted some work permits to replace bahamians and they were denied. Smell a rat here.

jujutreeclub says...

I don't know where this woman is getting her information, coaching from, but this is the dumbest things I have heard in a very very very long time. She is campaigning for a melt down in the medical profession and the system being overwhelmed. Bahamians are hard headed. You ask them to stay inside, they go outside, wear mask, they don't, wear helmet , they dont, don't wear helmet, they do, Unless she is trying to use reverse psychology on the general populace, this will not work. They are complaining about working too many hours now. Look at the nigh clubs every night, packed with non mask wearing patrons. Want to heart from her if her recommendations are put in place.

On Nurses: End state of emergency

Posted 12 May 2021, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

Blame Fred Smith and the haitian groups for the injunctions in courts. They are the hold up with this whole process. Fred still trying to use that injunction to halt the demolitions in the farm. That injunction doesn't even apply to Abaco. So talk straight. You forget when they started in Nassau demolishing homes in the shanty town aye. Short memory tribe of none.

jujutreeclub says...

Imminent- yes, but early, NO

jujutreeclub says...

I believe Mr. Duncanson on this one. Not because it was not done this far in advance before, does not mean that a snap election is in the making. We as bahamians don't like change. The man is trying to get a head start on ensuring that all the ducks are lined up and no rushing near election time 2022. I have worked with this dedicated, committed christian public servant for years and find him to be a honest man with integrity. He does not allow himself to be dictated to, no matter from what level. He would prefer resigning before going that route. Can put my head on the chopping block for this one.

jujutreeclub says...

And sooo are you

jujutreeclub says...

Good ideas if it comes to fruition.

jujutreeclub says...

11 flights per day, 11 million dollars per year -- Laos peoples republic
2,122 flights per day, 0 dollars per year -- Bahamas. Something is wrong. Cuba and the US is staling our monies.

On Network is the first of its kind

Posted 16 March 2021, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

I don't have an issue with the minimum wages being increased but hearing it from Rupert Roberts. He is only for it because he will benefit the most. See below what he was saying about it.

Mr Roberts said he supports minimum wage workers receiving more money.

“***I don’t have a problem with that because that’s what ours is now, so we don’t have a problem with that. The higher the minimum wage, the more they get the more (and) they have to spend on food,” he said.
“So, that will increase our sales and the business community wherever they can, they should support because that will increase everybody’s sales and, of course,***

This is where he will be most affected by it and this is his response

***“What do they intend to do with VAT?” asked Mr Roberts. “Do they intend to leave VAT as it relates to breadbasket items the same way it is, or are they going to put 10 percent on all groceries? It’s frightening the hell out of voters".*** NOOOO not voters, but him. He will lose more if this plan is implemented. Do you ever see Rupert Roberts agree with something he is not benefitting from. He closes shop early on Sundays now because he say he is losing money. His shops were the only ones making money during the pandemic. So tell him relax.

On Minimum wage raise will boost economy

Posted 11 March 2021, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal