Comment history

laallee says...

Are you walking/swimming to The Bahamas?

On Keep big oil out of The Bahamas

Posted 30 December 2020, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

laallee says...

Sovereign Wealth Act-…

Petroleum Act-…

Thank you and keep safe.

On Lulled into a false sense of security

Posted 29 May 2020, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

laallee says...

Please do a little more research and your missive may be worth reading.
Let me put you straight on a few points.

Licence fees- BPC were prevented by the government from drilling for a few years hence less fees to pay.

Investment by BPC- million $$$ on surveys, reports and pre drill expenses etc The private investor is responsible for 90% of that.

Profits from BPC- Have you bothered to look at the royalty fees the Govermnent have in place and read the details of the Sovereign Wealth Act?

Drilling in October- Try December 15th onwards.

All this is available to read on BPCs website.

Such a shame you choose to be - in your words "duped" by your own false information.
Take care and have a good weekend.

laallee says...

A commercially viable oil find could transform the Bahamian economy. All around other Caribbean countries are exploring/producing oil- Do you really want to sit and watch? Revenue used wisely can promote green energy usage, education and better health care for generations. Stop moaning and take advantage of BPC and it's investors who will be paying all the costs!

laallee says...

A commercially viable oil find could transform the Bahamian economy. All around other Caribbean countries are exploring/producing oil- Do you really want to sit and watch?
Revenue used wisely can promote green energy usage, education and better health care for generations.
Stop moaning and take advantage of BPC and it's investors who will be paying all the costs!

laallee says...

All royalty figures and terms are on bpc website.


Posted 3 February 2020, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

laallee says...

Balanced article and good reading. Thank you.

laallee says...

Good news for the Bahamas. If commercially viable oil is found and the Sovereign Wealth Fund uses the proceeds correctly it could benefit the population for generations.

laallee says...

Fantastic balanced article, thank you.

laallee says...

Now here's a thought-
Why not drill for oil and gas?
Bahamas Petroleum have done all the legwork, get behind them and you might be self reliant for all your energy needs!

On Fuel bills set to soar

Posted 22 May 2018, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal