Comment history

larry says...

why is every project valued at $200m is this the lucky number

On $200m power plant needed to meet demand

Posted 29 August 2014, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

When did Bahamians become such idiots standing around watching a shoot out like its junkanoo or a basket ball game wow stupid

On Three shot during Fox Hill Day

Posted 15 August 2014, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

its unlawful entry they were not invited and were not doing any work

larry says...

A corrupt society where its legal as long as we don' get caught.

larry says...

all Bahamians at large are corrupt going through the red light just because there are no cops to watch you all the time like kids need their moms taking sick leave from work just to party letting your kids stay home from school not giving a fare days work and getting paid taking bribes for votes yes we are a corrupt nation

larry says...

if they want to give up their citizenship then by all means do so but be honest about it i have never heard of any hate crimes in the Bahamas we have gay clubs that are not hidden away they are in plain sight they are not vandalized all i can say is go in peace

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 24 March 2014, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

no to V.A.T in any form or any time.

On 'Year to adjust' to VAT, warns businessman

Posted 10 March 2014, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

Finally some honesty about the drug trade and the Government's involvement.

On The drug lord years in the Bahamas

Posted 10 March 2014, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

B.E.C is already sold

larry says...

"Hommie dont play dat" is that a gay slur Mitchell is calling himself ?

On Mitchell to Munroe: Don’t mess with me

Posted 6 March 2014, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal